Over the last few years, government officials around the world in collusion with Big Pharma have been playing the profitable game Follow Uncle Sam, rolling out a series of vaccination programs. One of the latest and most aggressivley marketed is for young girls – before puberty – against the so called Human Papilloma Virus, considered to be a sexually transmitted virus, triggering cervical cancer.
So what can be said about this public health endeavor? Quite a lot, actually.
First off, there is no proof that any virus causes any form of cancer. American state virologists have tried to prove such a causation effect for several decades without success. Among the most committed was Robert Gallo of HIV notoriety, who eventually invented the retrovirus HIV and launched it as the cause of AIDS after receiving some unidentified – and unidentifiable – virus particles from the French researcher Luc Montagnier, who was later awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery, even though he admitted that he was never able to isolate any HIV. Nor has anyone else since.
The fact that viruses have been found in people with cancer is NO proof that the cancer was caused by the virus. The most probable explanation is that both the cancer and the virus have been attracted by a failing immune system and thus have a common trigger, but not that the virus causes the cancer.
Second, Cervical cancer is a relatively uncommon disease, only causing just over 2 deaths pr 100,000 white women. Black and hispanic women seem to suffer a slightly higher incidence. This is only a fraction of the number of people who die in traffic accidents every year, for instance. And as far as I am aware nobody has (as yet) proposed a mandatory vaccine against traffic accidents. To mandate a mass vaccination of young girls from age 10 or so, to potentially (no proof that it will be effective exists!) save two or three of them from dying of cervical cancer at age 57, seems to me to be just a tinge over-ambitious.
What will be effective, though, is its impact on the bottom line of Big Pharma, here represented by Merck who produces Gardasil, and Glaxo Smith Kline who produces Cervarix, and who also produces some of the deadliest of the drugs prescribed against the non-existing HIV retrovirus. Billions in tax money will be steered by gullible or corrupt politicians into the deep pockets of those pharma giants, with handsome kickbacks to the deciding politicians and ruling medical authorities. And untold suffering on the part of those vaccinated or treated, and their families.
Third, according to the American Cancer Society, cervical cancer rates dropped by 74% between 1955 and 1992 without any vaccine, supposedly due to more aggressive screening. Also, according to the Mayo Clinic, even though cancer is the number two cause of death in women in the US, it is lung cancer, breast cancer and colorectal cancer that make it so. There is no mention of cervical cancer.
In 2007
• 12,280 women in the United States were diagnosed with cervical cancer.
• 4,021 women in the United States died from cervical cancer.
4,021 is roughly 0.00003 % of the female population of the USA. And no scientific proof exists that the cancer was caused by any virus. Yet many millions of women are to be vaccinated with three shots each to counteract for a limited time just a few of many suspected viruses. With a vaccine that has one of the worst records for adverse effects ever.
So the proposition is to vaccinate undisclosed millions of women in order to possibly save about 4,000 of them from dying of cervical cancer. Without any guarantees. But with the possibility of masses of adverse effects to the vaccine, including death. So far, only in the USA some 22,000 cases of adverse reactions have been reported to Gardasil alone, Merck´s vaccine against, NOT cervical cancer as such, mind you, but the so called Human Papilloma Virus, which has been named as the probable cause of most cervical cancers, that according to prevailing theories can appear up to 30 years after infection with the virus.
No, dear readers, I am sorry, but there are no slow viruses, and this is almost as absurd as to say that once infected with (an unexisting) HIV, AIDS can occur twenty years later. Pure fiction.
Furthermore, it is speculated that there are a great many different types of virus that may cause cervical cancer, while the vaccines are only effective against a few of them, and only as long as they do not mutate. So how effective do you think such a vaccine can be? Especially, if they are now said to only be effective for some 4 – 6 years, after which they would have to be repeated for a new potent dig into the tax money for more billions. And keeping in mind that the average age of the few who die of cervical cancer is 57 years, and the vaccination is proposed for girls of 11 – 13.
So what about the risks and adverse effects?
Here is a headline from 2008:
Complications include shock, ‘foaming at mouth,’ convulsions, coma
“Anaphylactic shock”, “foaming at mouth”, “grand mal convulsion”, “coma” and “now paralyzed” are a few of the startling descriptions included in a new federal report describing the complications from Merck & Co.’s Gardasil medication for sexually transmitted human papilloma-virus – which has been proposed as mandatory for all schoolgirls.
The document was obtained from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration by Judicial Watch, a Washington group that investigates and prosecutes government corruption. The organization’s work uncovered reports of about one death each month since the fall of 2007. There also were 140 “serious” reports of complications including about three dozen classified as life-threatening, 10 spontaneous abortions and half a dozen cases of Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
The document reveals the case of an 18-year-old woman who got the Gardasil vaccine, was found unconscious that evening, and died. Another woman, age 19, got the drug and the next morning was found dead in her bed.
The documents also revealed 8,864 Vaccine Adverse Event records from 2008, a number that has now risen to over 22,000.
Of the adverse effects reported during the last three years for ALL types of vaccines, Gardasil was linked to 76% of the “did not recover” events reported for women between the age of 6 and 29.
Gardasil was involved in 78.5% of all “disabled” events and 75% of all deaths linked to vaccines in the same age group, during the same period of time.
Apart from the deaths, the following adverse reactions have been linked to Gardasil:
• Autoimmune disorders
• Paralysis
• Guilliane Barre Syndrome
• Seizures
• Migraines
• Blindness or temporary interruption of vision
• Hearing loss
• Memory loss, inability to concentrate, or brain fog.
• Symptoms of chemically induced menopause; including facial hair, disruption of menses, drastic mood swings, hormone imbalance, painful menstruation, and poly cystic ovarian syndrome
• Circulation issues: heart palpitations, numbness, fainting, drop in blood pressure, and chest pains.
The target of the vaccine is cervical cancer, based on studies performed or funded by the drug industry which pretend to show that those who have HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) have a higher chance of later developing cervical cancer. How this can be shown is a mystery to me, and opponents note that such cancers develop most often in older women, while the vaccination plan is to require girls as young as 10 – 12 years old to be inoculated. Obviously there can be no evidence that this new vaccine would have an impact later in life.
The report estimated that it will cost as much as two billion dollars to buy vaccinations for the nation’s poorest girls. The reference to the poor may be a “slip of the tongue” but it is profoundly meaningful, since this whole program is a thinly veiled part of a larger eugenic agenda. Its true purpose, besides filling the already overflowing coffers of the ruling medical mafia and its shareholders, is to help reduce the world population, not so much through direct deaths, as through a reduction in fertility and general debilitation. Sterility is a likely side effect of these vaccines, that their proponents hope will not be discovered for many years, and then not be linked to the vaccines.
“This vaccine will be more expensive than all other childhood vaccines put together,” commented John Schiller, a National Cancer Institute investigator.
Many groups including the Texas Medical Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and the American Academy of Environmental Medicine have come out publicly against mandatory vaccination. But that does not deter neither Big Pharma´s thousands of lobbyists, nor politicians and medical officers smelling sweet rewards in the form of cash under the table.
As I am writing this, provincial health authorities in Sweden are involved in a ludicrous circus, where the drug pushers of Merck on the one hand and GlaxoSmithKline on the other are fighting over whose vaccine the Swedish health authorities should settle for in poisoning their pre-teen schoolgirls. The drug pushers have even gone to court, pleading to have purchase contracts with the rival declared unguilty on formal grounds in order to force a change of the brand purchased by the authorities!
At the same time in California a new law has been proposed that authorizes the local school authorities to vaccinate school children without consent from their parents, and even without informing the parents that their child has been vaccinated. This is truly looking like Hitler´s Germany or Stalin´s Soviet Union. The only difference this time is that those who call the shots – pun intended – are capitalist global corporations, not just one mad dictator.
Are you worried yet? – Well, you should be! – And you should be doing something about it. It has already gone WAY too far. Remember, they have already made it illegal to sell or buy natural health supplements, vitamins and minerals in Europe, and it´s now coming to the US. The same with traditional healing herbs. And in the US they have passed a law that makes it a crime to grow your own organic vegetables for your own private use in your own backyard. Yes, it´s true!
Civil disobedience is the only possible response to such uncalled for tyranny from the authorities. And networking is the way to organize a disobedience movement.
Well, that was this week´s focus. Let me know what you want me to discuss in my next blog!
Till then, stay calm but determined to stand up for your rights!
Dr. Jens