Hello my friends, and welcome to this week´s blog!
As I explain in my book PARADIGM PULSE – SENSING THE SURGE OF CHANGE, the ideological seeds of the now peaking Aquarian Paradigm were firmly planted during the last half of the 18th century. Among its earliest and most decisive expressions were the US Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the French Revolution in 1789. These social revolutions were accompanied by a technological revolution launching the industrial era, and a changing value system leading to the fight for the abolition of slavery, equality, human rights and democracy.
Since then, the Aquarian Paradigm has progressed by rhythmic waves of approximately 10 years each, alternating with receding waves of about the same duration, when opposing, reactionary forces come to the fore.
What we are seeing is nothing less than a global shift from one cosmic era to another. And the new emerging era is clearly marked by qualities and characteristics of the Zodiacal sign of Aquarius, as described by empirical astrological science. As anyone can see, who takes the trouble to study the matter objectively without prejudice.
This shift is not sudden but a drawn-out, sometimes painful tug of war between the old and the new that has already lasted for two and a half centuries, and is right now reaching a dramatic climax.
Whatever the forces that resist it, this shift is as inevitable as the shift of seasons, or the evolving life cycle of all living beings.
Although the Aquarian Paradigm is set to win in the end, the old guard is not letting go without a desperate fight. Those in favor of the old possess superior powers, both material and technological, consolidated since centuries, and they are hell-bent on conserving their power and privileges. Therefore the shift will not come easily. How long it will take, and at what cost to Humanity and planet Earth, depends on the collective awareness and ability of US THE PEOPLE to unite and with concerted efforts build our new world order on the same Aquarian principles that inspired the Founding Fathers of the United States of America. For some basic ideas of how to do this, please refer to my ACTION PLAN FOR SHIFTING PARADIGM.
It´s no coincidence that the reactionary forces who oppose the Aquarian Paradigm with all their might, have chosen the name “The New World Order” for their malevolent program to consolidate the old world order for their own benefit. OK, it´s a different world order from the one we have been paying lip service to for quite some time now, but it is definitely not new. Their plan is consistent with psychological warfare and the principles of manipulating the public that George Orwell describes in his prophetic book 1984.
If you still haven´t noticed what is going on, then you risk finishing like the frogs in the slowly heating water. When you finally become aware of the increasing heat, it´s too late for you to junp out of the water, and so you will be boiled to death. And I can tell you, that the water is already close to boiling.
The word “Order” gives us a subtle clue as to the authoritarian and military intentions of the reactionary forces. I am definitely not for anarchy or chaos, but the kind of order I favor is organic, voluntary and self-administered, built on innovation, consensus and positive cooperation, and with a wide latitude for individual freedom and personal choices.
100 Years in the Making: A Pervasive Power Behind the Scenes
Dr. Nancy T. Banks is a truly brilliant and brave doctor of medicine and MBA, who has written the amazingly clear-sighted book AIDS, Opium, Diamonds and Empire – The Deadly Virus of International Greed. Her laser-like acumen casts a veil of transparency and cohesion over the sordid history of the Western world these last two centuries. I take the liberty of quoting a few teasers from chapter 3 of her book. It is a book everybody should read to get a much needed crucial understanding of how our present society works, and why:
“Three Brothers.
As the 20th century unfolded, three brothers, Abraham, Simon and Bernard Flexner played a sinister hand in shaping the outline of the next 100 years in the areas of medicine, politics and international intrigue. These brothers intensified the fire that was set to heat the cauldron from which arose the toxic brew known as HIV/AIDS. The idea for and the need to create such madness arose out of a historical, political, social, economic and spiritual milieu. It is the culmination of various historical trends merging into the present reality that were set in place by these three men. Simon, a pathologist, became director of the laboratories at Rockefeller Institute that were deeply involved in the racist and elitist eugenics movement; Abraham became education expert for the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and set in motion the downward spiral of the quality of U.S. education, including medical education; Bernard, an ardent Zionist, was part of the Zionist delegation to the 1919 Paris Peace Conference held at the Versailles Palace following WWI. The outcome of this Conference set the conditions that directly led to the outbreak of WWII. *
* (Speech by Benjamin Freedman, owner of Woodbury Soap company and former Zionist at a lecture given at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C. in 1961).
Bretton Woods
One of the most significant outcomes that WWII was induced to promote is what has become known as the Bretton Woods Agreement. The Bretton Woods Agreement established a postwar international monetary system of convertible currencies, fixed exchange rates and “free trade”. To facilitate these objectives, the agreement created two international institutions: the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the World Bank). This was the new form of colonialism—debt slavery of former sovereign and emerging nations to these financial institutions controlled by European and American central bankers. These bankers have subsequently wielded power previous potentates could only dream about. They now determine the internal domestic policies of just about every nation on the globe in favor of the global corporate structure. This is done by lending money to countries and then demanding that the countries institute structural adjustment programs to repay the loans.This is done by drastically cutting social expenditures, especially in health and education.
These programs intentionally have left most of the planet’s people mired in perpetual and abject poverty.
Bernard Flexner was also one of the founders of the powerful Council on Foreign Relations, a self-appointed syndicate that dictates United States foreign policy in such a way that favors the globalization agenda which has made the Constitution irrelevant; the representative body of the people emasculated by their own corruptibility; and the sovereignty of the people an arcane notion. The people of the U.S. think they won WWII. They have yet to discover that their economy is at the mercy of the same bankers who are killing the aspirations of the third world.
The Flexner Report
It has been about 100 years since Abraham Flexner produced a document for Rockefeller and Carnegie interests titled the Flexner Report on Medical Education in America. The end result of this report was to congeal the “philanthropy” of the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations into a money mafia and radical monopoly that crushed healing modalities that would not subscribe to their “scientific medicine”.
Medical schools have become experts at psychological conditioning of white coat repeaters who against scientific evidence engage in totalitarian behaviors that would be criminal without the sanction of the state. Enormous iatrogenic mischief and health damage is caused by people’s belief that they cannot cope with their own illnesses except by calling on the ministrations of a medical “expert”. This has literally given this industry the license to kill.”
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“At the top of the pyramidal structures that control the banking, military and industrial complexes are the interests that currently control medical education, the pharmaceutical industry, the Public Health sector via the Department of HEW, the FDA and the NIH and the Department of Agriculture – all of which are contributing to the continuing decline of the general health of the American people. (www.guardian.co.uk, Development: US fails to measure up on ‘human index’ by Ashley Seager, July 17, 2008)
Allopathic Medicine
The type of medicine promoted by Flexner is little more than a very clever marketing vehicle to sell the patented overpriced and toxic pharmaceuticals largely controlled today by the spawn of Rockefeller interests. It is the dominant medicine practiced in the United States and as Ivan Illich observed thirty years ago, is…a radical monopoly which (sic) feeds upon itself.
Iatrogenic Medicine reinforces a morbid society in which the social control of the population by the medical system turns into a principle economic activity…
– Expenditures on health care in the US currently account for 16% of the GDP and are expected to rise to 20% of GDP in 2016 ($4.2 trillion). It is a system that manufactures diseases (Selling Sickness), promotes the dissemination of false information under the rubric of the scientific method and thrives on treating the symptoms of chronic diseases with toxic chemicals while ignoring the body’s natural biochemistry, biorhythms and electrical conductivity. –“
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There is much more to say about the battle between the “New World Order” of the international bankers and the military-industrial complex on the on hand, and the truly new world of the Aquarian Paradigm. A battle that is rapidly accelerating into a dramatic showdown. How much more death and destruction we will have to suffer before the battle is over, depends on how quickly the general public becomes aware of what is at stake, and how effectively they join forces in removing their support for the system, I will continue analysing this process in more depth in the coming weeks, so if you wish to keep updated, please come back for more every Sunday.
Till next week, stay aware and hold your own.
Dr. Jens