Hello all my faithful readers,

First of all many thanks for your appreciating emails. They are very important to me, and they help keep me going.

Second, I was hoping to stay on a more upbeat note this week than the last couple of weeks, but the fast and furious development on the world scene – expected as it was – leaves no time for respite.

I really am an optimist and totally convinced that the Aquarian Paradigm, as unstoppable as the change of seasons, will emerge victorious in the end, heralding a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all of Humanity. But how long it will take, and what the transition will cost us in terms of deaths, destruction and suffering, depends on us, the people.

Unfortunately, the madness of those still ruling our planet, motivated by ignorance, fear, insatiable greed, and a fatally erroneous perception of the world and of life itself, are desperately clinging to their power, precipitating us all into a totally unnecessary quagmire of violence, destruction, privation, illness and death.

That is, until we – the 99% – wake up, join forces and put a stop to it. Yes, it needs to be repeated as often and as forcefully as is necessary to finally make it happen. Every day of delay may spell out thousands of deaths and untold suffering that should – and could – be avoided. So I will not apologize for being repetitive. The first step is to spread the word to make everybody aware. Especially those who serve as hands or instruments of the ruling powers.

Here is this week´s breakdown of the current dire news, with my comments:

The geopolitical mosaic this week projects a greatly escalated risk for a nuclear world war. The madmen who run US foreign policy are now simultaneously provoking Russia, China and Pakistan, in addition to Iran and Syria. They seem hellbent on causing a world war from which they can emerge as unchallengeable rulers of our planet and beyond. Mainstream media are only reporting a fraction of what is really going on, and then with a spin.

We must not forget that Pentagon military strategy is officially called Full Spectrum Dominance — total control of pretty much the entire solar system. As we discussed in last week´s blog, they have the whole planet divided into geographic Combatant Commands and, on top of that, the so called Star Wars space program.

As you will have seen in the news, during this last week NATO bombed two Pakistani military installations near the Afghan border, killing 24 Pakistani soldiers and wounding many more. Circumstances belie that it could have been a simple mistake.

That was the straw that broke the Pakistani camel´s back. After mourning many thousand dead innocent civilians, women and children inside Pakistan, killed by unmanned drones from their ally the USA, they finally had enough, and the country burst into an orgy of understandable anti-American manifestations.

But that was only a gentle prelude. The Pakistani government now gave orders to their military stationed near the Afghan border to shoot back if they were attacked again. And worse still, they gave the US/NATO two weeks to pack their bags and vacate the Shamsi Air Base, that the U.S. uses to service drones that target people inside Pakistan.

The Pakistani government now plans to review all diplomatic, military and intelligence cooperation with the U.S. and other NATO forces. And as if that was not enough, they cut off the supply routes to Afghanistan, which means NATO/US will have problems servicing their troups with equipments, fuel etc.

At the same time, Russia has also had enough of the American so called defensive shield of missiles stationed only miles from the borders of Russia and other former members of the Soviet Union. Actually, NATO/US has a system of such missile launch sites provocatively surrounding Russia on all sides, with the ridiculous claim that they are there to intercept Iranian missiles. A few days ago, Russian President Medvedev declared that he would make sure Russia had the capacity to destroy these installations and wouldn´t hesitate to do so, if the US did not back off.

At the same time Russia sent several warships to its naval base in Syria, as a clear statement to the US not to meddle in Syrian affairs and provoke a civil war to launch a Libya-style NATO takeover of Syria.

Further East, China reacted on the new US violation of Pakistani sovereignty and declared that it would regard any attack or violation of Pakistan as an attack on China itself.

All sane persons, be they top military brass, heads of intelligence operations, or politicians, both in Israel and the US, are warning that an attack on Iran, or for that matter on Pakistan, would be utter madness, and would lead to a global disaster of which the consequences cannot be foreseen and that must be avoided at all cost. In spite of this, Israel´s prime minister Netanyahu is seen to be pushing for an attack on Iran against strong domestic opposition, and the Pentagon seems to continue its policy of multifront provocations across the globe and its build-up of threats against Iran. While the US economy, along with that of Europe, is disintegrating into de facto bankruptcy.

At the same time, the US senate has just passed a bill, which authorizes US military to operate within US borders and secretly arrest and detain anybody – US citizen or not – indefinitely on an arbitrary suspicion, without an accusation, without a trial and without the right to contact either a lawyer or family or friends. And torture is now openly accepted as an appropriate way to treat any prisoners and make them confess.

This is the exact behavior of all brutal military dictatorships, whether in Soviet, in Hitler´s Germany and Mussolini´s Italy, in Franco´s Spain during the civil war and its aftermath, or in the Kissinger-designed South American military dictatorships of the 1970s. So, for example, in Argentina some 30,000 innocent mostly young people thought to be opponents to the regime were dragged out of their beds by Swat teams at 3 in the morning and never seen again. They were tortured and killed, and either thrown into mass graves, or dumped into the ocean from airplanes, while once a week their mothers and grandmothers silently circled Plaza de Mayo, the square in front of the Government building, with photos of their disappeared sons and daughters, demanding to know what had happened to them, but without ever getting an answer until after the reestablishment of democracy in 1983. This happened less than 35 years ago, not only in Argentina, but also in Chile, Uruguay and several other South American countries, all of it scripted by the US Department of Defense and the State Department under Kissinger.

In a new bill passed the other day by the US senate with a majority of 93 votes in favor and only 7 against, the described nightmarish scenario is now being legalized in the US. You would be excused for thinking that I am hallucinating or making this up as a perverse joke. – But no, this is what´s really going on in the US in 2011, ten years after the blatantly staged false flag “terrorist attack” of 9/11.

The US picture is complemented by the omnipresence of the Department of Homeland Security and the Transport Security Agency to spy on, check, control and search people. And do not let´s forget the detainment camps across the country, newly built in secret by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), supposedly for emergencies like the Katrina hurricane a few years ago, but really in anticipation of civil unrest and protests against the coming oppression, austerity measures and privations.

To complete the picture, the federal authorities have built special trains for mass transport of people to the detention camps. Remember the trains that went to Auschwitz and Buchenwald and the other Nazi concentration camps just before and during World War II? The principal difference is that this time the trains will not be filled with Jews.

I am sorry folks, that I have to bring you this macabre news, but you really need to know it, in order to move to action and prepare and protect yourselves.

If you want to understand the background to what is currently happening, why it is happening and where it is finally leading, then read my landmark book on the subject, PARADIGM PULSE – SENSING THE SURGE OF CHANGE. You can order it as an e-book right here on this website, or you can buy a hard copy from Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

More than ever, you will now also need the free information and advice in my ACTION PLAN, so if you haven´t already got it, do order it today completely free of charge from the CONTACT page on this website. It is also available in Spanish and Swedish.

And, finally, do not miss the video THRIVE, where you will find amazing life-changing information, hand in hand with my Action Plan, that holds the key to saving Humanity from the catastrophes engineered by our present mad rulers. The very same key that will finally usher in the Aquarian Paradigm and open the doors to a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all of us.
Go here:

Thanks for reading this, and please spread the word to as many as you can. The outcome depends on how quickly we can generate a critical mass of aware and active people. Things are now moving really fast.

God willing, see you again here next week!

Dr. Jens

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