Hello my awareness-seeking friends,

Another week has gone by in our countdown to a global shift of never before seen, or even imagined, dimensions. Are you prepared?

The 2011 State of the Future report from the Millennium Project – that I wrote about in my blogs on August 27 and September 4 – informs us that 20 million hectares of farmland in Africa have been acquired by foreign interests in the last three years only, to be used for non-African consumption.

The report also tells us that about 40% of African children under 5 are chronically malnourished.

What´s more intriguing is that Africa´s population has doubled in the last 27 years – the exact time that the politically invented HIV “pandemic” has been afoot, the one claimed to be decimating Africa´s population!

The special case of Niger is even more dramatic: With the current birth rate continuing unchanged, its population is estimated to reach 80 million by 2050, from only 14 million today!

How do these facts tally with the terror tales of media assuring us that Africa is dying of AIDS? For more perspective on this, check out my blogpost on June 25, if you haven´t read it already.

The plain and simple truth is that there are more than enough resources on Earth for its present population to not only survive but live well and thrive, if we use these resources just a little more sensibly, and distribute them just a little more fairly.

How insane is it to use trillions of dollars every year on destructive armaments, weapons, bombs and nuclear devices to kill and mutilate people and destroy the results of decades or centuries of human labor and love?

How insane is it to use the skills, knowledge, labor and time of tens of millions of productive people for these same destructive purposes? While at the same time millions of children in the developing countries are starving or ill and dying from malnourishment. And while billions of poor people around the world are deprived of elementary necessities and comforts that they could all easily enjoy with just a little more common sense in the use and distribution of existing resources and technologies.

How long are we going to allow our politicians – democratically elected or not – to continue with this murderous insanity? Isn´t it time we became aware of what they are doing to us and to our world, and decide to put a stop to it? Isn´t it time we claimed our birthrights as sovereign citizens of planet Earth? Isn´t it time we took the power away from the clique of corrupt rulers who with self-serving manipulation, deceit and lies have usurped that power from us the people? – But it cannot be done through elections within the present political framework, because the entire system is designed to preserve the present power structure, regardless of what label the different parties use to get votes.

We are now fast approaching the big showdown between two cosmic paradigms:

On the one hand the old autocratic paradigm with its promotion of a small competitive, power-hungry and conflict-prone elite that is ruling over enslaved masses. In response to Aquarian claims, they now mostly allow so called free elections with a few pre-selected candidates. But this does not make their rule democratic. As long as the world is run principally or entirely on materialistic values, the true power remains in the hands of those with money and productive resources.

The other contender in the clash between the two cosmic paradigms is the emerging Aquarian Paradigm with its emphasis on the collective power of the people, on true democracy, cooperation, consensus and sharing, but also on innovation, electronics, energy and information.

To help you assist in the delivery of the new paradigm, you are invited, indeed urged, to order my free ACTION PLAN FOR SHIFTING PARADIGM. It will give you ideas and suggestions on how to best get through the next imminent world crisis and a possible 3rd world war, and contribute to the creation of a much better world of peace and prosperity for all.

This Action Plan is my gift to you with NO commercial interests or sales pitches. And it´s completely free of charge, with no strings, or obligations of any kind. But it could make the difference between life and death for yourself and your loved ones. So don´t miss this opportunity!

Just go to the CONTACT page of this website and fill in the form, asking me for the ACTION PLAN FOR SHIFTING PARADIGM.
Then ask everybody you know to do the same. One day soon, both you and they will be glad you did.

And please let me have your feedback and improvement suggestions!

Finally, I wish to draw your attention to a truly remarkable movie I believe everybody should watch. Its name is “THRIVE – What on Earth Does it Take?” Its world premiere will take place on 11th November 2011, i.e. 11.11.11. The numerology of this date may be just a ploy or promotional gimmick, but the movie does point us directly to the essence or crux of our present predicament as a species. It also points to its solution, and to a way for us to create a much better future. Just like my blog, but with spectacular sensory impact.

Even if the full movie will not be released until November 11, you can get a flair of it from the amazing trailer, here:

Stay aware, stay tuned, and be prepared!

Love and Blessings, till next week,

Dr. Jens

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