President Obama´s State of the Union address on January 25 bore the upbeat title Winning The Future, the acronym of which –WTF – immediately was translated as What the Fuck?! by his bright Republican opponent Sarah Palin. If that´s the level of US political debate and of its contenders for world leadership, then I´d say our poor planet is in REAL trouble.

Obama is a great orator, and that´s what won him the election. What made the Democrats lose the mid-term elections to Congress, may be a matter of opinion, but I don´t think we can ignore the effect of Obama´s very poor record when it comes to living up to all the great promises he made during his campaign. The reason for his breach of word may again be a matter of interpretation, and it has to be acknowledged that running a country – especially one that, however sanctimoniously, claims to be fighting for the world wide victory of democracy –  is no easy task, and that there are hundreds of invisible but powerful interests, groups of different kinds etc., that have to be taken into account and compromised with, for the government to function at all.

Obama´s speech definitely earns him another feather in the cap for effective and relevant rhetoric, as long as one looks only at what he says, and naïvely overlooks all the glaring political chasms of left-out facts.

I suppose one should not be surprised that the president of the world´s most powerful nation strikes a Homeland Patriotic chord, with a strong competitive edge vis-à-vis the rest of the world. Somehow, the new paradigm idea of globalization and international cooperation on a footing of equality seems to have eluded Obama, even though he refers to the Constitution and talks about the US being the first nation to be founded for the sake of an idea – “the idea that each of us deserves the chance to shape our own destiny.” Apparently this idea does not extend to the rest of the world, where the US steps in and shapes the destiny of whatever country it covets, for whatever covert “cause”.

There is much in Obama´s speech that echoes the onslaught of the Aquarian Paradigm, revealing that he is aware of what is really occurring in the world today, at least to a degree. However reassuring this may appear, there are some very worrying deficiencies and aberrations in his exposé.

In the best tradition of recent Republican foreign policy, he states, “we must defeat determined enemies, wherever they are, and build coalitions that cut across lines of region and race and religion. And America’s moral example must always shine for all who yearn for freedom and justice and dignity.”

I am wondering how shining America´s moral example will appear to the millions of dead, mutilated, bereaved and destitute Iraqis and Afghanis, as well as to all the victims of all the other wars across the world where the US has meddled in order to sell weapons and reconstruction contracts, and has bought up the national patrimony at fire-sale prices. Not to forget the everlasting results of their “Depleted Uranium” ammunition, that they have spread wherever they have been involved in warfare, and that causes genetic mutations that will keep producing grave birth defects for many generations to come. Shining moral example indeed.

Obama would have to refer to Al Qaeda, upholding the myth that this insidiously evasive American creation really threatens the US “Homeland”, and that it perpetrated the false flag operation that goes under the name of 9/11. It is hard for me to understand how any well-informed and thinking person in today´s world can believe in the totally absurd official story about 9/11, and I find it eery and scary that the victorious political opponent and challenger of the Bush administration, should continue to back and defend the many horrendous crimes committed by that administration. So, is there really no political alternative, or way out of this morass?

“Already, we’re seeing the promise of renewable energy”, claims Obama. My comment is that we could all have had renewable – and free – energy for a hundred years already – literally, I am not exaggerating – if existing technology hadn´t been consistently blocked by the US governments at the behest of the petroleum lobby and other powerful vested interests.

Sure, it´s not Obama´s fault that this happened, and he does seem to offer substantial hope, when he goes on to say, “At the California Institute of Technology, they’re developing a way to turn sunlight and water into fuel for our cars.” And then, “We’re issuing a challenge. We’re telling America’s scientists and engineers that if they assemble teams of the best minds in their fields, and focus on the hardest problems in clean energy, we’ll fund the Apollo projects of our time.” – If this is true, it means a drastic 180 degree turn-around of more than a hundred years of consistent policy to effectively block all progress in this respect.

A car running on water was invented by the American Stanley Meyer and ready for mass production already around 1990, or even earlier, but the Ministry of Defense intervened to investigate it in the name of “national security”, made Meyer sign an agreement, and the following day he died suddenly under mysterious circumstances after lunching with two strangers. His prototypes and files were then confiscated by the US government, and the invention was effectively killed, until now.

Another water car in the Philippines, invented more than 30 years ago, was also killed through indirect, covert intervention by the US government. Read about this, and the route towards a better future, in my book PARADIGM PULSE – SENSING THE SURGE OF CHANGE.

Here is another highlight of Obama´s State of the Union speech: “With more research and incentives, we can break our dependence on oil with biofuels, and become the first country to have a million electric vehicles on the road by 2015.”  However, he omits the fact that excellent, competitive electric cars were produced and used in California in the 1990s, to comply with a new state legislation that required a reduction in fossil fuel consumption. So what happened? For spurious reasons, these cars were only leased, never sold, and after a time their marketing was discontinued, upon which they were all recalled and scrapped – even when in perfect working condition –  without any explanation, and the electric car was effectively killed. Incidentally, the users of this car were all delighted with it, and wanted to continue driving it, but were not allowed to. Had this initiative been given full nationwide support instead of being brutally aborted, there could have been a million electric vehicles on the road in the US – and in other countries – long ago.

Talking about government regulations, Obama said, “To reduce barriers to growth and investment, I’ve ordered a review of government regulations. When we find rules that put an unnecessary burden on businesses, we will fix them. But I will not hesitate to create or enforce common-sense safeguards to protect the American people. That’s what we’ve done in this country for more than a century. It’s why our food is safe to eat, our water is safe to drink, and our air is safe to breathe.”

Hmm. Being an expert on health and the prevention of illness, I am afraid that here I have to call Obama´s bluff. American food may be free from bacteria – but that does not mean it´s safe to consume. Most factory-produced food in the US is laden with dangerous chemicals, cosmetics, and artificially altered substances that apparently are allowed, but are definitely not safe, since they do trigger many kinds of illness over time. And look at the obesity epidemic that the American food is causing, and that is practically unknown in other countries, until they copy the American fast food diet! The degree of obesity that a high percentage of Americans today suffer from, causes a horde of diseases, and often leads to an early death simply because of excessive strain on the heart and circulation. That´s how “safe” American food is.

And what about the tapwater? Again, all that can be said, is that it may be free of bacteria or other micro-organisms, but that does not mean it´s healthy, or even “safe” to drink. And especially not if it is fluoridated, i.e. laced with a dangerous environmental poison, that was traditionally used only to kill rats with. Do you think it´s safe to drink rat poison in any concentration, especially when you have no way of controlling, or even knowing, the dose, i.e. the amount you ingest?

As concerns the air, finally, the enormous expanses of the US undoubtedly have vast areas where the air really is healthy to breathe, but what about the large cities? What about heavily polluted industrial areas? What about areas around nuclear power stations? What about the effects of the so called chemtrails? Why does Obama not mention the chemtrails in his speech? For over a decade, millions of affected people have been asking what they are, who spreads them, and for what purpose, without getting any answers. That they are not safe to breathe, is for me a foregone conclusion.

Obama touches ever so lightly on the impending bankruptcy of the US, without acknowledging it. It´s true, that because of its status as provider of the world´s “reserve currency”, the US have so far got away with just printing – or electronically creating – new money to pay their debts. What is different today, is the rising financial power of China and India, and the increasing independence of other players in the field, notably the anti-American oil-producing countries, and a united Europe. The US will no longer be able to get away with this game of funding its military and other excesses with newly created dollar debt that is then imperceptibly passed on to foreign lenders. In my vocabulary, this is tantamount to a subtle form of fraud or robbery.

Still, it´s quite a feat that Obama talks as openly as he does about the national debt and the need for American citizens to tighten the belt over the next several years. Maybe that is one of the many WTF-moments in his speech that Sarah Palin was gloating over.

“But now that the worst of the recession is over, we have to confront the fact that our government spends more than it takes in. That is not sustainable. Every day, families sacrifice to live within their means. They deserve a government that does the same.

“So tonight, I am proposing that starting this year, we freeze annual domestic spending for the next five years. —

“This freeze will require painful cuts. Already, we’ve frozen the salaries of hardworking federal employees for the next two years. I’ve proposed cuts to things I care deeply about, like community action programs. The Secretary of Defense has also agreed to cut tens of billions of dollars in spending that he and his generals believe our military can do without.”

That was all he had to say about the requested gross amount of over one trillion of “defense” dollars for the 2011 budget, with the direct Department of Defense budget at 721 billion, some 50 billion more than last year. Just the interest on debts incurred by previous wars now runs at over 400 billion pr year. As is known, the US military budget alone comes to nearly the same amount as the sum total of the military spending of all the rest of the more than 200 countries in the world.

Who do you think benefits from the intentionally implanted paranoia over security in the US? Do you really think that America is in grave danger from every other country in the world, and from every flight passenger? And that this justifies keeping an ever-renewed arsenal of weapons of massive destruction, large enough to wipe out the entire world population? It´s just that this truly perverse idea is used to justify the colossal military spending we are seeing. Besides salaries to military personnel,  what is that money used for? To buy new military equipment for tens, or even hundreds, of billions of dollars from the armament industry and privileged government contractors. Does that mean some people close to the power grid are getting filthy rich? You bet! Talk about evil. Talk about greed. Talk about selling one´s soul.

And as if that was not enough, leaked information from ex-insiders has claimed that illegal narcotraffic with opium from Afghanistan – temporarily interrupted by the ban on opium farming under Taliban rule – has been funding a vast array of covert operations for which money cannot be requested from Congress. Shining moral example?

I know. – Of course Obama could never go out and tell us all that in a State of the Union address. And no doubt he piously hopes that we will never find out. Which is a bit naïve, don´t you think? – He forgets – or is blissfully ignorant of – the fact that the Aquarian Paradigm does not allow any secrets. Nor does it support hypocrisy, as did the old paradigm. Wikileaks or not, sooner or later all secrets are coming out into broad daylight, and not only reality show participants, but eventually everybody including senators, governors, ministers and presidents will be living like gold-fish in glass-bowls, and be unable to hide anything, anything at all. Are you looking forward to that? Well, you´d better get used to the idea.

To sum up: President Obama´s State of the Union address is a great peace of political verbiage, some of it unexpected and welcome. Whether the positive parts of it will carry through to bearing fruit, or whether they will meet the same fate as many of Obama´s campaign promises, remains to be seen.

Finally, let me make it absolutely clear to those who may have have perceived my comments as anti-American, that I am a GREAT admirer of the American ideals, the American constitution and its authors, and of the American people and their amazing achievements. In fact, I still see America as the source and growground for the Aquarian ideas and ideals that are showing the way to a better future for all of Humanity, and I believe that it is in America that the defining great battle is now unfolding between the repressive old paradigm forces and those of the emerging Aquarian Paradigm. And it is precisely my admiration for the American ideals and the American people that makes me reject and denounce war crimes, imperial bullying, corruption, political lies and financial fraud, wherever I see them occur. As the Brits say, I call a spade a spade, however uncomfortable that may be to some, and suggest that we all open our eyes to BECOME AWARE,  start acknowledging the facts however unpleasant, speak out, join forces, and stop beating about a Bush!

If you haven´t done so already, you owe it to yourself  to read my book PARADIGM PULSE – SENSING THE SURGE OF CHANGE to get a headstart on the future. You can order it at a discount directly from the publisher 

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Let´s together Win Our Future!

Dr. Jens

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