This week´s blogpost brings you quotes from 4 teachers of awareness, two men and two women, each with a different focus, but all relevant to the now fast accelerating Paradigm Shift. The order in which I post them has to do with their content, and in no way indicates any ranking or value judgment.
Since this is, after all, my blog, I begin by quoting myself:
Herd Instinct and Conflict
“We humans anxiously cling to the safe reassurance of reacting in the same way as our fellow beings to a common experience. The safe reassurance of firmly belonging to a large enough group with defined characteristics and a clear denomination, such as a race, a nationality, a language, a religion, a social class, or a profession. The safe reassurance of being one of the accepted or dominating crowd, and not different. Difference spells out danger and creates conflict.
Isn´t it this innate need in the human being that provides the foundations for divisiveness and discrimination; for fear and suspicion and hate; for conflict and war?
Should we perhaps therefore try to instil in our children, from their very first day, the notion that it is GOOD to be different? That precisely by being different – and only by being different – can we as individuals make a meaningful contribution to a much larger group called Humanity, or even Life, to which we all belong? That there is neither benefit, nor merit in being an indistinguishable clone or copy of one uniform pattern, that does not contribute to the diversity and evolution of our species, and of our world? –
Incidentally, each of us IS unique and different from everybody else, so we might as well proudly recognize and accept it!
We humans undoubtedly have a strong instinctive need of belonging to a group for protection and safety. This primitive herd instinct has been crucial for survival and reproduction, and it is no doubt firmly rooted in our genes. Not easy then to overcome or transcend it. But perhaps we could expand it to apply to a larger group, to a larger category or concept, to a larger world, to a larger reality, that frees us from the tendency or need, locally in space and time, to distinguish between us and them, between friend and foe? A group or category large enough to allow us to include all life as belonging to it. To make us aware that we should not fight and kill our own kind, and that in the last analysis WE ARE ALL ONE.”
Abundance and Spiritual Values
“Everything begins with a Thought, and Energy then follows the Thought. So to change the world we have to first change the way the world thinks about reality. This is what is meant by a Paradigm Shift. But in order to move from Thought to Action, we must be fired up by Emotional Energy – either desire or fear. Of the two, I much prefer positive desire to negative fear as the motivator to action.
To survive in minimally decent conditions we must scrap the present materialistic paradigm of fear, ruthless competition, greed, and warfare, based on a false belief in scarcity and in the survival of only the fattest.
Instead let´s create a world of solidarity, friendship and peaceful cooperation. The foundation we need is expanded awareness of our innate ability to create a world of abundance and spiritual values for every human being on the planet. And never doubt that we really do have that ability!”
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The second teacher I quote today is Dr. Ervin Laszlo, the founder of The Club of Budapest, and president of the WorldShift Foundation. He is the author of more than 80 books, among them “Science and the Akashic Field” (2007) and “Quantum Shift in the Global Brain“ (2008). Dr. Laszlo is one of our most advanced and comprehensive thinkers when it comes to the present world situation and the future of Humanity.
Critical Tipping Point to a Worldshift
“- – – The civilization that dominates the contemporary world is no longer sustainable: if it is not to break down, it must transform. The quest for a quantum leap in human affairs is the quest to create a civilization that enables six-and-a-half billion people to live with dignity, in harmony with each other and with nature. Such a Worldshift is possible. We have the insights, the technologies, and the necessary human and financial resources. What we lack is the will and the vision. To muster them we must change our consciousness. With a more up-to-date consciousness we could change our values and priorities—change ourselves and ultimately change the world.
A Worldshift is needed, and the time is short. The trends and processes that drive the contemporary world toward a critical tipping point are accelerating. The atmosphere is heating up, diversity is disappearing, the rich-poor gap is widening, violence and unrest are growing, and the production of many of the resources needed for life and development have already peaked. Forecasts of the basic tipping point have shortened from the rest of this century, to mid-century, to the next decade.
It may well be that the global tipping point will come already at the end of 2012, the much prophesied watershed in humanity’s tenure on the planet. It will certainly come within the lifetime of most of us. Whenever it comes, we must begin to act now, to ensure that it is not a prelude to breakdown, but a breakthrough to a more peaceful and sustainable world.”
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The third teacher I quote, is Isabella Colalillo Kates, whose website is
Conscious Creativity is Soul Work
“Creative consciousness grows through intention and choice. Creativity inhabits, nurtures and stretches the boundaries of our consciousness. Creativity is a spiritual activity. It is soul work. Our Imagination is expressed through our awe, wonder and passion. Imagination connects us to our inner, secret worlds. The Imagination is our Innate Magician, Dreamer, Playful Child, Artist, Creator. Our greatest human resource.”
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And the fourth teacher, finally, is Helen Keller (1880 – 1968), who completely lost both sight and hearing when she was only 19 months old:
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor touched … but are felt in the heart.”
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To conclude this blogpost, I wish to inform you that I am in the process of expanding my activities into videos and a new Web-TV channel. It means that I may publish these traditional blogposts on my website less frequently in the future. Instead, I will gradually offer a more varied and more visual fare, so I hope you will experience it as a radical improvement.
In any case, I hope you will send me your feedback with comments, questions and suggestions, so I know what you would like to see, hear or read on my sites.
With Love and Blessings, till next week,
Dr. Jens