Well, however painful, I must reluctantly be totally honest with you, and tell it as it is:
We have been inattentive and allowed things to develop WAY too far in a direction that will lead us straight to Hell or Oblivion.
Either a total eclipse of our civilization through nuclear war, famine, and loss of our social, technological and informational infrastructures. That is Hell.
Or the extinction of the human species by the exact same means of insanely misguided destruction, brought upon us by our elected leaders. That is Oblivion.
So, is there a way to stop this self-generating and accelerating rush towards annihilation of all that we value and cherish on this physical plane of existence?
There is, but we may already have missed out on the easy way. It may be too late for us to wake up sufficiently, re-assess our value system and the very foundations of our society, and join forces to put a stop to the complete madness that is ruling the world today behind fast thinning veils of pretended rationality, expediency, necessity and decency.
The easy way would have been to see through the evil, the corruption, the greed and the covert boundless criminality presently fuelling our political system, and change it into one that is not based on material values and personal greed for money and power as now.
However, up till now our society has not been transparent enough to allow most people to become aware of what was going on. Hypocrisy was the order of the day, and both political and – especially – religious discourse painted a false and compelling picture of the collusion between God and the worldly rulers to provide a holy, if narrow, path to heaven for each and all, if they only obeyed, prayed, and worked hard for their masters without demanding anything for themselves.
Since the middle of the 18th century, there has been an awakening of the sleeping giant that is the People, courtesy of the emerging Aquarian Paradigm. Its first important and lasting expression was the American Declaration of Independence, closely followed by the French Revolution. This movement has in rhythmic progressive waves, each lasting approximately a decade, gradually introduced and established new Aquarian concepts, such as equality, freedom from slavery, democracy, solidarity and cooperation, along with transparency, networking, teamwork and decisions by consensus, among others.
But the forces of the old paradigm have been fighting back, also in rhythmic waves of reactionary influences, alternating with the progressive waves.
Read more about this in my landmark book on the subject, PARADIGM PULSE – SENSING THE SURGE OF CHANGE, available as an e-book right here on this website, or as a printed book from Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.
Right now, we have reached a defining moment in this fight between the two paradigms, when the old paradigm empire strikes back for all it´s worth in order to re-establish its hegemony and return the people to actual slavery, though not admitted as such. And also to reduce the unruly people to a fraction of its present – and growing – number from fear of losing all control.
Power tends to ensconce itself into the very roots and foundations of society, perpetuating itself indefinitely and leaving less and less room for the subjects, the ruled population, to participate or even claim the most basic rights and necessities.
Power is extremely addictive, and most who have accessed it turn out to be insatiable in their greed for more. An expression of this addiction is that almost every elected so called democratic ruler tries to stay in power for ever. If they cannot extend the legislation to allow eternal re-election (rigged, manipulated and paid for, of course!), then they will try to get their spouses, sons or daughters elected instead, thus de facto creating a monarchic dynasty under the label of democracy. This may be human nature, but it is a relic of times long gone, and must be transmuted in accordance with the now emerging Aquarian Paradigm.
The furthermost goal of becoming the absolute ruler of the entire world is now for the first time in history an attainable one, at least technically. And, human nature being what it is, this goal is immediately extended to space, the planetary system, and beyond.
It may be a feature of the Aquarian Paradigm, usurped by the old paradigm autocratic system, that the real rulership has become institutionalized into a group. This means that no one person is identifiable as the single holder of the real power from where presidents, prime ministers and other apparent executives take their orders directly or indirectly. It also means that when the dominant power-wielder dies, someone else automatically steps in, whether a biological heir or a close associate, but the people will never know, only a closed inner circle.
So who is wielding the real power from behind the curtain right now? The answer is not immediately at hand, since it has been secretly institutionalized, as I just explained, and kept out of public view.
What´s clear is that the real power in our civilization or culture has emanated, since its very beginnings, from the control of material resources, that can be expressed in terms of money. This is true even where it would seem to be vested in a church or a religion. I cannot judge if in some other cultures, such as the Hindu one, true power could be independently vested in a spiritual authority, without backing from material resources, but in Western society that has never been the case. The Christian church has always asked its congregations for money and properties, and the Catholic Church became extremely rich by telling its members that they would get points in their favor when being judged upon death, if they donated or willed their property and belongings to God, represented by the Church and its priesthood. It was also a requirement for those – not seldom from wealthy families – who entered the priesthood or devoted themselves to the servcie of God as monks or nuns, to give up all their worldy belongings to the Church.
To understand from where this is coming, let´s go back for a quick partial resumé of history.
Originally all power was concentrated with the landowners who controlled all the resources human beings need: food, housing and clothing. Thanks to this power over life´s necessities, people without resources of their own had to plead with the landowners and offer their work and knowledge in exchange for what they needed for their subsistence. The result was a kind of slavery, from which most never escaped.
Some of those who offered their labor and other services in exchange for food and housing – and later money – were given weapons and armory, and they were organized into a military force, used to defend the properties of their landlords from conquerers, and to conquer new properties from others on behalf of their landlords. All properties have originally been just seized and utilized with raw force.
Out of that grew the military. The private armed forces of the landowners for their own defence were united under the authority of the most powerful landowner, who became the regional King in exchange for privileges, and so the national states were created.
Gradually, the more powerful Kings conquered their neighbors and created larger kingdoms with even more power. This consolidation development has continued to this day, when we are facing the possibility of one single global empire, still based on raw financial power and its derivative, brutal military force.
As we now see, the real power in our traditional cultures always resides with material or financial resources, in so called democracies as in all other forms of society.
Until recently, the large fortunes have been accumulated by monopolies or near-monopolies on necessities, such as food, housing and clothing. Nothing has changed there, since that is the basis of human life. However, the center of gravity has shifted from the landowners producing the raw material to those who process the raw materials and distribute them to the customers in fast growing urban areas. There are a few exceptions, mainly petroleum and mined mineral resources, where the landowners still may command the largest pieces of the pie.
But recently something has changed. Today, as a result of the advance of the Aquarian Paradigm, power increasingly comes from knowledge and information, inventions and innovations. But it is still always translated into money. There is always a price-tag attached to it, and it can be sold and bought for money.
And who controls the money? The answer is not a given, because money has been the domain of banks since the beginning of urban civilization, and our banking system is anything but transparent. Undoubtedly, in our society the banks – i.e. the individuals who own or control the banks – have a predominant influence, because even the owners of the money depend on the banks for their handling and employment. It means they hand over their money to the banks. The banks can then multiply this money for their own benefit by lending many times the amount deposited.
While it is true that – at least in most countries – governments exert a certain control over the banks, it is also true that banks have a fairly wide margin of action, and banks are not necessarily the most law-abiding of businesses.
The power of arbitrarily creating money out of nothing, expanding the concept of credit as a way to “grow the economy”, worked reasonably well for as long as there was a certain reality and discipline in banking practices, such as the gold standard, or real brick and mortar behind the money. But as the previous regulatory system was abandoned recently by the so called neo-liberal economics, an orgy of speculation exploded in the global casino of newly invented fanciful derivatives without any relation to real life and real values. That´s how the bottom fell out of the system. And that´s where we are now, facing a global meltdown of the entire economic system. Yet, the real power still resides with corrupt bankers, and while everybody else has to suffer the dire consequences of the crisis, the bankers and their billionaire shareholders only get richer and more powerful.
All this means that it is extremely difficult under existing circumstances to achieve the needed change from within the system. But it is not impossible.
The good news is that a conscious majority of a people in joint organized action can dismantle even the most securely ensconced power structure from within.
Former US ambassador John W. McDonald has studied this phenomenon closely, and he believes firmly that a sufficiently large movement of committed citizens can peacefully force any authoritarian government out of power. He is the Chairman and CEO of the Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy, http://www.imtd.org
Another piece of good news: It has now been proven that, if a certain percentage of a population firmly adopts a belief, an attitude, or a mode of action, the rest of the population will automatically follow. According to one study, this percentage is only around 10%. Other studies has found the effective percentage to by much lower still, even 4%.
The final piece of the puzzle is the speed with which information travels these days, and the effective forms it can take, engaging all our senses like never before.
All this together means that in our fast developing new situation, there is still a possibility that a concerted and resolute, yet peaceful action on the part of a sufficiently large part of the population, may topple the present evil power structure. And don´t let yourself be fooled and lulled into comfortably compliant complicity. Those who presently run our world are really EVIL. And they are planning nothing you will thank them for, unless you are an insider billionaire banker.
Even a peaceful rebellion will require massive civil disobedience, which in turn will require truly great courage, independence and self-reliance from many people. It has happened many times before in history, but never on the scale necessary this time.
If such a peaceful revolution does not happen, the future looks bleak indeed. Then what I see on the horizon is a nuclear world war with devastating consequences, where a large part of the world population will be wiped out, before the old evil rulers are defeated or implode from within for lack of necessary sustenance.
It is possible that a drastic leveling of the present system – the reigning paradigm – including the prevailing value system and the way we have been trained to think, will be necessary for the new Aquarian Paradigm to take root and grow into the enlightened and humane world it is predestined to create.
From a spiritual and philosophical point of view, the resulting carnage will only be a blip on the evolutionary screen of the human species, but a painful one that we could have avoided with a little more circumspection and spiritual awareness. And one that will set back our next spiritual goal of a golden millennium of peaceful and prosperous cooperation between wise, loving and happy members of the human family right on this planet we call Earth.
The Aquarian Paradigm is now destined to rule the world. It is an idea whose time has come, so all the armies of the world are powerless against it.
But exactly when the breakthrough will happen, and how, is up to us.
Hope to see you again next week! Till then, watch the paradigm shift unfold, be aware, and take the action you can!
Dr. Jens