“Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Monsanto´s pesticide Roundup are amongst the most dangerous products of modern times, joining a list that is heavily populated by other Monsanto products such as PolyChlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), dioxin and bovine growth hormones.

“In all cases, Monsanto has been fully aware of their harmfulness yet has lied about their dangers with an impunity conferred by the collusion between the company and the public health and environmental authorities of successive U.S. governments.”
Marie-Monique Robin, author of The World According To Monsanto.

* * * * *

Let´s imagine planet Earth and all its life forms as one living organism with a soul, in the process of spiritual evolution, just like a human being.

Recently, Earth caught a serious illness that is threatening its very life. It´s comparable to when a human being is invaded by a cancer that slowly grows and kills the healthy cells of one, many, or all vital organs, until death occurs.

So, let´s have a look at what cancer is, and how to cure it. As many of my readers will know, I have been practising and teaching holistic medicine for over 15 years. CANCER and AIDS are among my specialties.

The “orthodox” medical doctrine works locally on the principle of all-out warfare to directly kill specific cancer cells in order to cure the patient. Even though this may kill the targeted cells seen as “invaders”, it also kills necessary healthy cells and causes a lot of harm to the entire organism, not least to the immune system, which is the body´s principal defence system, and absolutely necessary for long term survival and health.

That´s why the true success rate of conventional, “orthodox” cancer treatments is so low, indeed abysmal, although those with vested financial and other interests in this system have ways of camouflaging the results to make them look better. This devious “cooking” of the facts helps justify the fact that all better and cheaper treatment options are outlawed in the US and most Western countries under US corporate influence. This policy makes a criminal of a doctor who cures a patient with such a treatment. But not if he kills the patient with the authorized method. And there are many effective and cheap alternative treatments with no harmful side effects. But you are never told about them. As most of us know by now, this is the result of bribes, threats and intense lobbying on the part of the global pharmaceutical industry, under the false pretense of protecting the patients from “dangerous quacks”.

Holistic medicine, in contrast, works systemicly on the principles of reinforcing the organism´s own defenses. It works with the body and not against it. It sees the organism as an organic Whole from a wider angle, where information, energy and emotions are potent influences, whether emanating from the geophysical environment, the human environment, or the patient´s own psyche, and all of them have to be taken into account. Above all, holistic medicine still honors common sense, long sinced abandoned by Big Pharma´s “scientific” medicine.

Cancer can be caused by three different types of disturbances to the organism, which harm or overwhelm the immune system. On successively subtler or higher levels they occur through
1) chemical interference, e.g. poisons or toxins (compare chemotherapy, which adds even more poisons)
2) vibrational interference e.g. radiation, (compare radiation treatment, which can cause serious immediate damage to the organism as well as new cancers after a few years or so)
3) emotional and mental interference, e.g. “mental poisoning” such as resentment, fear and hate, or deep depressions (compare how doctors more often than not frighten and depress patients, telling them that their illness is life-threatening, and how small chances they have of surviving it. Although this is undoubtedly true with the treatments they insist on using, it does not help the patient´s chances of overcoming the illness).

Ultimately, all these causes come down to vibrations, or frequencies that interfere with the genetic programming of the cells, prompting them to go wild and grow without control.

Chemically caused cancer occurs when the frequencies of certain substances that carry antagonistic information, interfere with and change the natural healthy frequencies of the body´s own cells. That´s why some substances may cause cancer and should be avoided. However, since not everybody has the same power of resistance to disharmonic vibrations, some people are more sensitive and more at risk than others. Also, it may be a matter of degree and time of exposure.

The remedy is always detoxification and cleansing, along with avoidance of particularly harmful substances. Adding more poison in the form of chemotherapy is hardly the most intelligent solution. What about a minimum of common sense?

Vibrational interference comes from pure electromagnetic radiation, such as that from X-rays, microwave ovens, cell-phones, electric transformer stations, high voltage power lines, and – most powerfully – radiation from nuclear bombs, nuclear power stations, uranium, plutonium and other radioactive substances, including the fallout of the so called DU (“Depleted Uranium”) ammunition, used by the US and the UK in all their wars since the first Gulf War in 1990. Here, the harmful vibrations affect our cells directly and invisibly without a chemical medium, but the effect and the cause are essentially the same.

The remedy is avoidance of ALL harmful radiation, and the application of positively reenforcing energy frequencies. Adding still more destructive harmful radiation to “kill the cancer” often just makes things worse.

The third kind of cause I call emotional, and it´s the most difficult to understand and manage. It´s a common experience, even if our blindly materialistic “scientific” medicine has problems acknowledging it, that depressed people often come down with cancer, as well as other illnesses. So, for example, is it quite common that someone who loses his or her spouse – or child or other loved one – is taken ill with cancer a few years later. It is also fairly common that a man, whose job has been the center of his entire life, dies of cancer a few years after forced or automatic, age-related retirement. Likewise, deep frustration, resentment or hatred can wreak havoc with the immune system. In the end, the direct cause of the cancer is the same, but the original triggers are different.

To understand cancer, we must also realize that our organisms are constantly bombarded by potentially cancer-causing vibrations of different kinds, some more damaging than others. It´s just that with a normal immune system we are able to fend off most of them.

The two first causes, chemical and vibrational, have to do with unusually strong and disharmonic vibrations that disturb the natural frequencies of the cells and can overcome even a normally strong immune system. The third cause, the emotional, has to do with a debilitation of the immune system and the energy level of the organism, so that even damaging frequencies that a normal immune system fends off without problems, now can change the genetically programmed frequencies of the cells, causing cancer.

The emotional level of cancer causation is closely related to the placebo phenomenon, which is recognized as fact by practitioners of mainstream “orthodox” medicine, even if they cannot explain it in terms of their understanding of medical science.

Placebo can be explained as a subconscious programming having a positive effect on health. It has a negative counterpart, known as nocebo, which is a subconscious programming promoting illness and death. This is akin to Voodoo, when someone blindly and totally believes in the power of the medicine man who pronounces the death sentence, and subconsciously programs himself to die as predicted or ordained. The same thing happens with many healthy people who are falsely diagnosed as HIV-positive. They believe in the doctor and his fraudulent “science” telling them that they have an incurable disease that will inescapably lead to death within a few short years. The depression and the nocebo effect intensify the effect of the lethal drug, and many have died punctually within the prescribed time.

Incidentally, AIDS is not caused by any virus. It´s not contagious at all, and has nothing whatsoever to do with sexual relations. AIDS is caused by – or is – a depleted immune system, nothing else. And this depletion is in turn caused by harmful chemicals (such as the super-toxic chemotherapy drugs prescribed to “treat” it), harmful radiation, emotional depression, faulty nutrition, infected water, parasites, recreational drugs such as heroin and cocaine, lack of sleep, protracted stress, and a generally abusive lifestyle that depletes the energy sources of the organism, especially the adrenals, which are necessary to maintain a healthy immune system.

As has been clearly shown decades ago, chemotherapy destroys the immune-system and thus removes the body´s ability to cure itself, resulting in death. Radiation, on the other hand, directly causes the change in vibration of the cells, that is one of the primary causes of cancer. Thus this “treatment” may cause more of the illness it´s supposed to cure.

Having explained what cancer is in humans, how it is caused, and how NOT to treat it, let´s go back to our dear Mother Earth.

I was saying that Earth has been diagnosed with cancer and is at risk of dying. If the causes of this cancer are chemical pollution and electromagnetic and nuclear radiation, would it be logical or reasonable to give it more chemicals and more radiations? Hardly. So maybe we should use some common sense and try to reduce these strains on the health of Earth and all of us who form part of Earth on one level or another?

That means NO chemicals in agriculture and NO nuclear energy or materials of any kind.

It also means we need to reform the entire communication system that is now dependant on a harmful kind of electromagnetic waves. These waves may or may not harm what we superficially perceive as Earth itself, but they definitely harm life on it, of which we are all an integral part. I have no doubt that other options can be found that do not harm the human organism, nor other life forms.

And what about the emotional level of cancer causation?

Being starved of positive human emotions in a society hell bent on the “bottom line”, on fierce competition for money and material values only, will have a nocebo effect in the larger social context, and this is comparable to emotionally caused cancer. It generates a society of greed, conflicts, egotism, ruthlessness, wars, lack of compassion and contempt for the rights and plights of others, naturally leading to depression.

With positive human emotions I am referring to true happiness, love, friendship, the sense of belonging, the joy of harmonious resonance, for instance through music and visual beauty, the spiritual joy of creativity, and the confidence of being a generous, useful and appreciated member of one´s community. In the final analysis, the level of spiritual evolution of a society, and of its individual members, is indicated by the prevalence and quality of these positive emotions.

Fascinatingly, recent research has shown that focused mass meditation clearly influences the entire society of which the meditators form part. Furthermore, this research indicates that the effect is related to the number of meditators, and that as small a proportion as 4% of a community large or small, can turn around the attitude of a majority of the entire community.

To old-paradigm “hard” scientists, this is nonsense, superstition, mumbo-jumbo, but only because they suffer from paradigm blindness and shut their eyes to new scientific research and discoveries.

Another example of the phenomenon I am referring to here, is the well-known so called “100th monkey” effect. Supposedly, under scientific scrutiny, one day a young female monkey on a small island in Japan had the bright idea of washing away the sand from her sweet potatoes before eating them. None of the other monkeys had ever done that before. One by one, the other monkeys learnt the trick and began washing their potatoes.

Eventually, one day, when already a considerable number of monkeys – anecdotally “a hundred” – were routinely washing their sweet potatoes, the practice was suddenly picked up on other islands, and on the mainland, with no physical contact between the different groups of monkeys, who were now all washing their potatoes.

The factual basis of this story has been put in doubt – as was to be expected – and I myself cannot vouch for its truth, but I know for a fact from numerous other examples and fields of research, that there is what could be called an information field encompassing Earth – or maybe it is completely non-local and extra-dimensional?- that I believe some call the Noosphere, and from which living beings can pick up information by other means than their physical senses. This is science, even if it´s frontier science not yet incorporated or acknowledged by the majority of old, paradigm-blind materialistic scientists.

The idea of raising general consciousness through reaching critical mass, is part and parcel of Aquarian Paradigm thinking. Ken Keyes Jr. published a book on the Internet entitled, precisely, The Hundredth Monkey. In it he writes, “there is a point at which if only one more person tunes-in to a new awareness, a field is strengthened so that this awareness is picked up by almost everyone!”

When British scientist Rupert Sheldrake launched his now famous theory of morphic resonance, he offered an explanation for the increasing ease with which new skills are learned, as more and more people acquire them. This phenomenon is directly related to both quantum physics and parapsychology, and such recently introduced concepts as the Zero Point Field.

To conclude these reflections around our sick Earth and ourselves, its sick inhabitants, I am suggesting a possible solution to the problem, hers and ours:

To laboriously raise consciousness to a “critical mass” proportion of the population, that should then trigger the same level of consciousness in a majority of the world population through the 100th monkey effect. There is no language barrier in the Noosphere.

How could this be done? Perhaps through meditation. Or through videos, courses, books, blogs, etc. “going viral” over the Internet. – Any better ideas, anyone?

If such a feat is indeed achieved but without affecting the nefarious plans those in power have for the rest of us, then the next step may well be a global revolutionary movement requiring both civil and military disobedience, until the many-headed Hydra and the military-industrial Octopus with its million tentacles are rendered powerless and starving to death.

Finally, let´s all keep in mind that as long as there is life there is hope, and that depression and feelings of powerlessness lead assuredly to defeat.


Allons enfants de la terre maltraitée
Nôtre devoir est protester…

See you on the barricades!

Dr. Jens

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