Hello my faithful readers! This is a long blogpost, but I entreat you to read it all because the information I offer in it is VERY important, and could even save lives. And please share it with as many people as you can. Some day soon, they will be very grateful to you.

True spirituality should in my opinion be Practical Spirituality, and not just meditating in a cave to achieve personal enlightenment without doing anything for other people. I know it can be argued, that the act of meditating or visualizing something better, has the potential of changing the world by influencing the noosphere of Humanity, meaning the invisible mental sphere of stored information subconsciously shared by all human beings.

My reason to distrust that argument, is that we have not seen much improvement in the human condition as a result of sages meditating in caves in the Himalayas. Nor, even, from the meditation of thousands of practitioners of Transcendental Meditation (TM), even though they have indeed been proven to exert a measurable effect on certain social behaviors. But apparently not on the ruling decision-makers of this world.

So, it seems to me that we need something more practical and hands-on, besides meditation, to stop our fast accelerating chute towards hell or oblivion. The people who rule the world at present are intentionally causing wars and illnesses, poisoning the planet, causing an untold amount of suffering, imposing ever more restrictions and removing natural human rights and freedoms in the name of defense and national or public security. Haven´t you noticed? – Read on to find out why it´s happening.

Our rulers – elected or not – also squander the precious natural resources of our planet, while intentionally keeping increasing numbers of people around the globe in permanent and abject poverty. Their revealed aim to reduce the world population to maybe a third of its present size, has already been set in motion in multiple ways under false pretexts and labels. They use wars, epidemics, drugs, vaccinations, covert sterilization programs, manipulation of the food supply, nuclear radiation, natural catastrophes that they have the technology to bring about or enhance, and whatever other means their sick self-serving minds can invent. Conspiracy theories? – Just hear me out before you judge!

The aim to reduce the world population is motivated by the false idea that the planet cannot support more people, and that if nothing drastic is done, destitute millions will starve and go berserk, invade the properties of the wealthy ruling class and likely kill them in the process. This is a scenario that is on its way to become reality, if people don´t stop cooperating right now. But it is happening ONLY because of the present channeling of resources to war and destruction in the name of “defense” and “security”. In other words, it is paradoxically the world rulers themselves that are bringing about this scenario through their paranoid fear, greed and unfeeling lack of identification with the human species and with our generous planet.

If instead all the human, technical and financial resources, that we do have at our disposal, were used wisely to solve Humanity´s problems and distributed equitably, the looming specter of overpopulation, starvation and mass violence would disappear in no time at all, and give room for a golden age of peace and prosperity for all.

Former US President, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who fought World War II, had the following to say in his farewell speech as President in January 1961,
“In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

It was an extraordinarily perceptive, honest and brave statement. And Eisenhower´s fears proved only too well founded. His successor, John F. Kennedy, defied the military-industrial complex by intending to put an end to the war in Vietnam, and by avoiding an armed conflict with Cuba. He paid for his defiance with his life, and soon after his assassination, the Vietnam conflict was vastly expanded with the false flag Tonkin Bay incident as an excuse.

Eisenhower also said,
“I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity”.

Today the USA has a debt of over 55 trillion dollars spent on wars and destruction of human lives and endeavor, corresponding to 680,000 dollars owed by each US family, according to a credible US source. Think what that kind of money – and a different and wiser economy – could have done to the production and quality of food, to better education for all, to vastly improved health services, while also giving everybody access to products and services that now only the wealthiest can afford.

But there´s more to this than meets the eye. The clique of financiers and bankers who have been secretly ruling the US for the last century by monetary power through heavy political lobbying, bribes, threats, and clever deceit, has not only oppressed the people of the world through monopolies offering overpriced services, but they have also directly deprived the world of a number of scientific advances, that could have made life much easier, healthier, cheaper and more comfortable for everybody. Instead they have kept these inventions to themselves or used them only for military purposes, while pushing their obsolete, poisonous and inefficient products and services at exorbitant prices and corresponding profits.

Foremost among the mentioned scientific advances is the method to generate free energy invented by Nicola Tesla a hundred years ago. But we have also been deprived of competitive electric cars and cars that run on ordinary water, or even on compressed air, to mention just a few.

I am also talking about effective natural and cheap cures for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and practically every other disease known to man, that have all been outlawed and suppressed with all the force a police state is capable of, in order to promote an obscenely profitable monopoly of invasive, harmful, poisonous, falsely “scientific” treatments that never cure but instead lead to new and worse illnesses that also have to be treated in the same way.

The grievous situation I am describing here has grown from two different roots: The first one is the Rockefeller Standard Oil (SO – ESSO, now EXXON MOBIL) cartel, that has spawned both the powerful petro-chemical industry and the no less powerful pharmaceutical industry, both intimately related to the global food industry, resulting in a dominating influence over the productive world economy.

The second root is the privately owned central bank of the USA, the Federal Reserve, that was created in 1913 by a cartel of international bankers. It has been given the power to create money out of thin air, create debts and charge interests. The entire system is unsustainable, but these bankers have come to “own the world” or at least wield an influence that is totally out of proportion with their merits or contribution to society. And they are accountable to no-one. Above the Law.

The principal cause of the deepening financial crisis was not a housing bubble, nor bad mortgages, as people have been told. The principal cause was reckless speculation and criminal irresponsibility on the part of greedy bankers, who had the power to create the debts they wanted in order to gamble with so called “derivatives” in the “Global Casino”, debts that can never be repaid, because they don´t carry any rational relationship to the real economy of goods and services.

As for the dire state of the US economy, I see the senseless spending on wars as the main culprit. Curiously, American analysts never seem to touch the question of the war spending. No, the military spending seems to be sacrosanct and untouchable, even invisible. They discuss cutting back on everything else, especially health, education, salaries and infrastructure, but never on the military budget, this year increased by 50 billion from last year, and totalling more than a trillion dollars. Nor do they seem to dare touch the absurd spending on “Homeland Security”, and its branch Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that runs the security checks at the airports and an ever increasing number of ever more invasive check-points across the country.

According to some observers, the present crises and the impending bankruptcy of the US are being intentionally provoked by the banks or their anonymous owners, in order to offer the global dictatorship known as the “New World Order”, as the only way out of the chaos.

But there is a far better way out.

As for the specter of overpopulation, it´s been shown that with higher living standards and better education for the entire population – especially for the women – natality will automatically and quickly come down. A perfect example is Spain, traditionally one of the most Catholic countries in the world, and consequently indoctrinated in the belief that using birth control in any form (except by sexual abstinence) was a sin. As recently as the 1970s, at the end of the Franco era, the Spanish standard of living was far below that of Northern Europe and Italy, and few women were working outside the home. It was common for Spanish couples to have up to a dozen children. Franco gave medals to mothers with the most children, and I remember one case where such a medal was given to a woman who had given birth to 24 children. Today, less than 40 years later, Spain is the country with the lowest nativity in the world. It has many women in government and executive positions, and its living standard now competes with that of Northern Europe.

There are MANY examples of the total INSANITY of the system that is in the process of taking over complete domination of the world today, a system that requires permanent economic growth at any cost to sustain itself. But such growth is calculated in the most perverse ways imaginable. So for example is unpaid work building the very foundations of society not counted, work caring for the family, for children, for sick and old people, while the production of armaments and bombs is counted as a positive contribution to the economy. Weaponry that kill and destroy what has been painstakingly built by generations of hardworking human beings. Weaponry that nobody can eat or use for clothing or housing, nor even for recreation or enjoyment.

The late president of Argentina Nestor Kirchner revealed that President Bush Jr. told him in a private conversation, that there is nothing better for a sluggish economy than a war. But unlike Eisenhower, Bush never had to fight in any war himself.

While quoting presidents, let´s go back to President Eisenhower and recall his wise words at the end of the Korean War:
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, from those who are cold and are not clothed.
The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children…”

So how about this for insanity: The US alone spends nearly as much on its military as the rest of the world´s 200 or so countries do together. NOT counting the multitude of intelligence and security agencies and other para-military operations at home and across the world. NOR the incalculable costs of the CIA and related covert international operations that are largely funded by the sale of heroin from Afghanistan and cocaine from Colombia. Yes, my friends, these are facts, and we can thank Aquarian transparency for having found out. And you can thank Aquarian technology for reading this.

This is happening in a world freed from the polarization of the so called cold war, and where there is no genuine threat to the security of the USA. So what is the driving force? Undoubtedly, an obsessive urge to take complete control over the entire planet, down to each individual citizen. Now, is that insane, or what? – Impossible to do, you say? – Well, they are already far closer to that goal than anyone could ever have imagined possible. The only little problem is that it may need a nuclear world war to put the last pieces in place.

The US alone has a nuclear arsenal capable of levelling all major cities to the ground and wiping out all life on the planet. But is that a reasonable goal for the defense of one country, however wealthy or ambitious?

Is it reasonable for one country, regardless of its size and geopolitical realities, to keep military bases in some 120 different supposedly sovereign countries around the globe? Or for the working people of the US – and elsewhere too, due to routine monetary and financial practices – to pay for this through their taxes?

Is it reasonable for one country, however powerful, to assume the right to intervene uninvited in other countries anywhere in the world in order to promote its own political and economic interests?

Is it reasonable for an elected government to violate all freedoms and human rights guaranteed by the constitution it swore allegiance to? Which the present US administration is busy doing.

Is it reasonable for a government, whether properly elected or not, to invade other countries under false pretexts, for the sole reason of satisfying its own greed for power and profit, killing millions of innocent people, women and children in the process? Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya are the most recent examples of this. While at the same time loftily claiming to be a shining moral example to the world, protecting democracy, freedom and human rights?

Am I exaggerating? – No. Definitely not. If anything I have only painted part of the true picture.

If you were attracted by the spiritual beginning of this article, and I still haven´t lost you, maybe you are now annoyed with me and think I had no business talking about spirituality? That I am anything but spiritual?

If so, you may prefer to remain in your pious state of mind until unceremoniously whisked off to the next life, or to a FEMA camp, without the possibility of seeing either a priest or an attorney? Well, the choice is yours.

To me Practical Spirituality means actively and without fear resisting the evil of this world, not with weapons or force, but by depriving it of all support and cooperation. This applies more than ever when the evil comes from governments. I am a strong supporter of Mahatma Gandhi´s statement:

“Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness…Every citizen is responsible for every act of his government…There is only one sovereign remedy, namely, non-violent non-cooperation. Whether we advertise the fact or not, the moment we cease to support the government it dies a natural death…”.

And here is a relevant quote from the allround genius Buckminster Fuller:
“You never change things by fighting the existing reality…
To change something, you need to build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete…”

For more practical advice on how to do that, order my ACTION PLAN FOR SHIFTING PARADIGM. It´s free for the asking, and it contains no commercial or sales material. Just go to the CONTACT page of this website, fill in your email address and full name, type ACTION PLAN, and hit SEND.

We can still secure a decent future for Humanity, if we all become aware and take determined joint action to remove all support to the corrupt system now remorselessly abusing our ignorance, faith and good will. It´s happening all over the planet.

See you again next week!


Dr. Jens

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