During my career as professor of holistic medicine, I took the trouble to thoroughly investigate the entire HIV-AIDS terror tale. Not many doctors have.
What I found was a new form of holocaust or state terrorism to “cleanse” society from undesired people. It is undoubtedly part of the wider depopulation program of the “New World Order”. PLEASE DON´T STOP READING! I´M NOT MAD, AND I´M NOT SUFFERING FROM HEAT STROKE.
It may be implausible, even unimaginable, to the ordinary well-adjusted citizen who believes what s/he is being told by authorities and media, and trustingly does as s/he is told. Yet, what I am about to tell you, is the plain truth, with no exaggerations.
There really are no words strong enough to qualify it. And although opening one´s eyes to it is uncomfortable, to say the very least, not doing so would amount to tacit complicity in a mass murder scheme not seen since Hitler´s Germany, or maybe Stalin´s Soviet Union. I can only sincerely hope that at least most of all those who participate in it, from individual doctors and hospitals to national health bureaucracies to UNAIDS, WHO and other international organizations, do it on blind faith in what they are being told from above, without any investigation of their own. But also without exhibiting a minimum of common sense!
It all started with a report published in 1981 by Dr. Michael Gottlieb about five (5) homosexual young men in California who died from an apparent failure of the immune system. From then on, the primary “risk groups” were identified as male homosexuals, intravenous drug users, prostitutes, hemophiliacs, and black Haitian immigrants.
The risk groups were later shifted to target young black drug users in US inner city slums, after a drive to make them drug addicts in the first place. Finally, the entire black population of Africa was targeted. Attempts have also been made to compromise large numbers of Asian people, but so far with much less success.
This is not the place to recount the entire HIV saga. If you want to know the whole amazing story, the whole truth, go to the CONTACT page on this website and ask me for info on HIV-AIDS, and I will be happy to email it to you free of charge.
Here, let me just emphasize that no such thing as a retrovirus called HIV has ever been found in an AIDS patient. It was only postulated to exist from a series of non-specific antibodies and non-identifiable virus fragments. This is the surprising fact, that you will never hear from the authorities or mainstream media.
All the fancy pictures you have seen in magazines and newspapers of the virus and how it enters your T-cells and kills you, is pure fantasy and speculation. There is no such thing as an HIV, and therefore it cannot kill anyone. But even if it did exist, according to the top experts on retroviruses, it couldn´t cause illness in anyone, and under no circumstances an incurable one.
Yes, you have a right to be confused. It´s an intentional policy to try and keep us all confused. That there is no such thing as a retrovirus called HIV causing AIDS, does not mean that there is no AIDS. There is. But it´s not contagious. It´s not an infection, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with sexual contacts. And it´s very easy to cure with natural methods, provided the patient stops all drugs and adopts a healthy lifestyle and a positive mindset.
Even the supposed discoverer of the HIV, for which he was awarded the Nobel Prize, Professor Luc Montagnier, has on camera (see the film House of Numbers) expressed his opinion that people with a strong immune system may not fall ill from exposure to the HIV. Yes, he believes in his own invention, but he is honest enough to admit that he never succeeded in isolating it. He also claims that people with full-blown AIDS, may be able to overcome it without drugs, if they live healthily and eat the right kind of food. He even said that the reason why this is never told to the patients, is that food cannot be patented, so the drug companies cannot make a lot of money from it.
Let me further clarify that what kills the vast majority of AIDS patients are the grossly over-priced drugs prescribed to treat (but never cure) the condition, based on a fraudulent test and diagnosis. Drugs that have been approved after faked, then aborted, studies of no scientific value. Drugs based on chemotherapy for cancer known as AZT, invented 40 years ago and not approved for 20 years due to its extreme toxicity that made it not apt for human consumption under any circumstances, even for short blasts with low doses.
During the first six years or so of prescribing this drug, those diagnosed as “infected with HIV” were given massive doses for life – which in practice never meant more than maximum 3 years, before the drug effectively killed the patient, who was then proclaimed to have died of AIDS or “HIV-infection”, in spite of valiant efforts to save him with the “life-saving anti-retrovirals”.
One must assume that doctors and nurses really believe in the political dogma they are being fed and forced to execute, though I find it difficult to understand how they can be so blind as not to see what they are doing, namely murdering their patients. Yes, really!
Of course, the pressure is strong on them, they are taught to believe and obey their authorities, and anyone who objects or tries to blow the whistle, is usually sacked or disposed of in some way. No questioning or discussion is tolerated. So doctors and nurses don´t dare protest for fear of losing their jobs, or worse. This situation undermines the entire moral structure of society and turns into a nightmare for all involved.
In the meantime the relentless propaganda apparatus continues to hammer in the dogma that the HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, and AIDS is caused by the HIV. Hitler´s notorious propaganda minister Göbbels could learn something from the AIDS industry.
Part of this plot is the total complicity of all the big international media chains, whose owners do not allow so called dissident information in their newspapers or TV and radio channels, but strongly promote the official dogma.
The latest whack came just a couple of weeks ago, and is truly a record in callous, cruel, treacherous depopulation policy. Read it with the foreknowledge that no HIV exists, that its transmission therefore is impossible, and that the tests to establish its presence are 100% fraudulent and have NO value whatsoever either to diagnose or predict adverse health conditions of any kind. And also with the foreknowledge that the drugs prescribed “to curb HIV transmission” destroy the patient´s immune system and cause death, albeit more slowly than before, since the doses are now smaller than at the beginning of this invented “pandemic”.
Here is the news story:
(From CARE 2)
“Early Drug Therapy Dramatically Curbs HIV Transmission
“People infected with HIV/AIDS are overwhelmingly less likely to pass on the virus to their partners if they start taking antiretroviral medicines immediately after diagnosis, when their immune systems are relatively healthy, according to a new study sponsored by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health.
“Michel Sidibe, executive director of UNAIDS called the study a “game-changer” that “will drive the prevention revolution forward.” The study showed a 96.3% reduction in transmission from infected partner to uninfected partner.
“This new finding convincingly demonstrates that treating the infected individual — and doing so sooner rather than later — can have a major impact on reducing HIV transmission,” NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci, said in a statement.
“The international study, which looked at 1,763 mostly heterosexual couples in Africa, Asia and the Americas, launched in 2005. It was meant to last 10 years, but the results were so striking the investigators stopped it midway through and recommended the course of drug therapy be offered to all the study’s participants. The investigators wanted to include
more men in the study but “they just weren’t interested,” according to Dr. Myron Cohen, an AIDS specialist from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill and director of the study.
“In all cases, one partner had tested positive for the virus that causes HIV/AIDS, while the other was not. In half the couples, selected at random, the infected partner was put on an immediate course of antiretroviral drugs. In the other half, the infected partner had to wait until his or her CD4 count dropped below 250 per cubic milliliter. (The CD4 count is a crucial measure of the immune system — normal counts run between 500
and 1,500).”
The New York Times noted that “The finding is so significant that it is likely to change the way American AIDS doctors treat patients and what treatment policies are adopted by the World Health Organization and other countries.”
Please note that the study was aborted after only half the time it was meant to run, a typical feature of the few AIDS-HIV studies made.
Do you notice the echoes from George Orwell´s 1984? Which, incidentally was the year when the Reagan administration proclaimed by government decree that the “probable” cause of AIDS was an obscure retrovirus discovered by the bio-weapons expert and government virologist Robert Gallo. No scientific discussion or peer review. No further debate allowed.
It´s clear that those behind this scheme are now running out of resources, and of time, so they have to invent new ways to promote their project, resorting to the argument of protecting a loved one, a sexual partner. They coldly count on sexual partners to pressure their “HIV-positive” partners into a fatal drug regime that will bring in tens of thousands of dollars a year pr patient to the pharmaceutical companies, while slowly killing the hapless lover. Once one partner is disposed of, it will be much easier to have the other one follow.
Please note that the “study” mainly targets couples in so called developing countries. Also note how no mention is made of the use of condoms by the partners in question. One might innocently have concluded that the use of condoms – according to the prevailing doctrine – would be sufficient, and a much cheaper (and safer!) way to “curb transmission” than expensive “anti-retrovirals”.
The uncanny thing about the tests is that they can be arbitrarily manipulated to produce positive results, and they are also open to interpretations, where so called “risk factors” can tip the balance in favor of a “positive” result. To read more about the tests, you can order my articles from the CONTACT page of this website.
If you never heard about this before and wonder why, it´s due to the awesome financial and political power of those who promote this project, essentially the global pharmaceutical industry, their corporate owners and associates. They totally dominate medical legislation, medical institutions and government agencies of all kinds, and – not least – mainstream media.
That´s why the literally thousands of top scientists, doctors and other highly experienced and competent health practitioners who have seen through this thick veil of murderous propaganda, practically never get any say in the newspapers, magazines, TV or radio programs you have access to. Except to be discredited and ridiculed.
To see who some of them are, and what they say, you can go to the Internet. Begin with www.virusmyth.org
I am sorry if today´s blogpost did not bring the good news you may have been hungering for. Its just that the world being what it is, in order for us to get to the good news, it´s necessary to first protect ourselves by addressing the bad news.
Being well informed is your most important – and cheapest – life insurance.
On the other hand, disseminating this information, which has enormous political and financial implications, is not exactly a life insurance. So, just in case you wondered, I have no intention of committing suicide any time soon!
Right now I am riding the heatwave in Europe, so I am producing this and the next couple of blogposts from my travel-Mac. Let´s see what next week may bear in its lap(top).
Till then, stay cool and no fool!
Dr. Jens