Last week´s blog article in the middle of the unfathomable Japanese tragedy, was mostly “matter of fact”. There was no time or place to apply a more spiritual angle to what was transpiring. Nor was I able to put these events into the larger perspective of the now culminating Paradigm Shift. Today I will try to make up for those shortcomings.

Each time we stand before death, even just one individual death, we are forced to accept the temporality of life on Earth and the transcience of a physical human being. This automatically drives us to ask ourselves the burning question: Is this short and fragile life on Earth really all we get?

Even our logic and scientific materialistic training suggests that nothing arises out of nothing, and nothing disappears without a trace. Physics teaches us that energy is indestructible. It may change form and expression, but it never ceases to exist. So we can´t help asking ourselves: But where did we then come from? And what happens when we die? –

The die-hard (sic!) materialist would just see the creation of the body without being able to explain how a new human being – or any life form – could take shape and then display consciousness out of the fusion of the sperm with the egg. Likewise he would insist that when we die, all that is left is the corpse, and when it disintegrates, rots or is cremated,  that´s the end of the brief adventure of that human being.

Even though the religions of the world have tried to offer different explanations, while spreading their proprietary blends of threat and consolation among their faithful followers, their success rate with installing a sense of blissful trust and serene acceptance before death has been all but dismal. 

In my book CRACKING THE RAINBOW CODE I explain, in easily understood yet cutting edge scientific terms of Quantum Physics, the mystery of how the human soul creates a body for its temporary indentations into our physical Universe of Space and Time.

What´s important in this connection is to understand that we humans are not physical beings, some of whom are having a spiritual experience. We are all spiritual beings – immortal souls – having a temporary physical experience on Earth. And we do not incarnate just once, but many, perhaps innumerable times under different circumstances in order to learn spiritual mastery over different facets of this physical dimension.

From the point of view of an ordinary human life, death may be a scary and tragic affair, that puts an end to a life, which is all we know. But from the point of view of the immortal soul, death is just the end of one episode and the beginning of another.

I like to compare our series of different incarnations to the sequence of days and nights in our present life on Earth. Seen in this way, each life is like a day in our lives here, and death is like going to sleep after a day´s work, in order to rest and in our dreams digest our experiences during the day. Then we wake up the next morning in a new body, ready for a new day and a different life experience on our way to spiritual mastery and fulfilment.

The interesting thing is that there is a way to decipher a person´s  birth chart to verify what kind of challenge and learning experience the soul has committed itself to before incarnating. Knowing this can be a powerful tool to help every one of us find or confirm our true Life Purpose. And being clear about our Life Purpose, and passionately pursuing it, is an absolute prerequisite for being truly happy and successful in this life, be it long or short. Incidentally, this is one of my own  specialities as spiritual astrologer and life-coach.

The metaphor of “a life as a day”, like most metaphors, is useful to convey an idea or a principle, but it doesn´t mean that the comparison works in every detail. It could be difficult to use this comparison to explain very short lives, for instance when a child dies very young, since it would not be normal to go to sleep again after being awake for only an hour or so in the morning. Although sick people often do that.

What we have to understand is that the reasons for choosing a life can be many and different. Our world is an indivisible Whole, consisting of an infinite number of permanently interacting – and evolving – components, where nothing can exist in isolation. Therefore, the principal motive for an incarnation can be to help create a needed experience for another soul, and not just to learn and evolve oneself. And that´s also a reason why we tend to incarnate in clusters, together with souls we have agreed to cooperate with, and more often than not, with whom we have cooperated during many other lifetimes. Therefore, a very short life can be explained in terms of the effect or the learning opportunities it creates for another soul, or group of souls. A child who dies very young can very well have chosen such a life to help its parents and siblings to an experience and spiritual realization they were in need of. 

Though few people in our materialistic society – and even fewer mainstream scientists – are aware of it, a considerable amount of immaculate scientific research has been done into the subject of reincarnation, that I personlly see as conclusive proof that it is a reality. One thing this research seems to indicate is that souls of children who die very young reincarnate much sooner than souls who have lived a long life. And also, that the sooner they incarnate again, the more likely it is that they carry over memories from their previous incarnation.

Before computers, it was much more difficult to explain the spiritual dimension. Now, I see the soul as the software to build and operate a human being. The difficulty for anyone indoctrinated by modern materialistic science, is to understand that software is a non-material product of the mind, just like a thought, just like information. In itself it has no mass and no energy, and therefore is not part of our space-time universe, in other words it is immortal. It´s true that to communicate, store or apply such software – or a piece of information or a thought – you need an interface with the physical dimension, requiring energy and a physical communication or recording device, but the thought, software or information as such has neither energy nor mass. Just like the soul.

Once we integrate these insights into our understanding of the world and of life, our perspective changes dramatically. It means that we no longer see death as a haphazard and tragic event that must be prevented or postponed at all cost.  Instead we realize that from the point of view of the soul leaving this dimension, death is a meaningful and pre-programmed event, however difficult it may be to accept for the near and dear who are left behind, especially if they are young souls with little experience and a low level of spiritual consciousness.

Most people who are in contact with their soul level, know intuitively that there is more to a human being than can be experienced with our five physical senses. I have heard people from all over the world, regardless of their religion, upbringing or education, express ideas such as “his time had come”, or she was saved against all odds, because her time had not come”. And I have no doubt that in feeling and saying that, they are accessing a level of truth and understanding beyond the very limited physical world of modern materialistic science.

It´s a wellknown fact that in practically every accident or mass death event, there are always some individuals who are miraculously saved, while those next to them perish. And, on the other hand, we also find people dying inexplicably under circumstances that would leave others intact, or at least alive.

After the tsunami in Japan, an elderly man was rescued far out at see clinging to a floating part of his house, while his wife had drowned.

Before events of “biblical” dimensions like those of the present Japanese cataclysm, it does help – indeed it´s necessary – to apply this spiritual time-less perspective, in order to make any sense of it.

When I was in my late teens, I gave a lot of thought to things like war and destruction and death. I did not yet believe in reincarnation, but I wanted everything to make sense. With my positive and optimistic mindset, I could see no reason for the seemingly mindless horrors of war. Until I thought of all the positive expressions of human compassion, solidarity, sacrifice, love and heroic acts that the war triggered and made possible. From the perspective of personal spiritual development, these take on a very important role, for which there could have been few or no possibilities under ordered peaceful circumstances. I wrote an article about it called The Mission of War, but found that my immediate environment at the time did not understand what I was driving at.

* * *

So much for the spiritual perspective on earthquakes, wars, etc . So what about the more mundane perspective of the present Paradigm Shift and the emerging Aquarian Paradigm?

Did you know, by the way, that the ninth and last wave of the Mayan Calendar just began on March 9, two days before this major earthquake and tsunami? At least if we are to believe my compatriot Carl Johan Calleman, one of the world´s top experts on the Mayan Calendars. Actually, there are many Mayan Calendars, but I am referring to the one that everybody is talking about and that is now coming to an end. Now, it may well be pure coincidence that the earthquake happened just as the last wave began, but it gives one something to think about.

One important aspect of this mega-catastrophe is that it serves to raise awareness around the planet of the intolerable danger of nuclear energy, and thus force a speedier change from nuclear to clean and sustainable energies. It´s likely to come at a VERY high price to Humanity, because all previous warnings – and they have been numerous – have been ignored by those in charge.

Another Aquarian feature of this crisis, that we are getting used to by now, is the instant global connectivity that makes the news spread like lightning, with videos, sound and graphic details via Twitter, Facebook etc., and all over the Internet. It also means that routine official cover-up activity no longer works the way it used to. The transparency principle of the new paradigm allows no secrets , so now the whole ugly truth gets out for all to see, even if mainstream media still play into the official cover-up efforts.

Continued futile efforts to calm the population with lies, will finally only deprive the official sources of all credibility. This will make people doubt everything the government is telling them, and eventually they will begin to take action. Such action may well seed a revolution.

But the globalized cross-border effect of the Aquarian Paradigm does not stop at instant global spread of information. In the case of the Japanese nuclear emergency it also means globalization of the fall-out effects, the deadly consequences of the present energy policy. Truly a case of all of us on this small finite planet being ONE, having to loyally pay the heavy bills of our collective insanity. Which does not mean that we need a New World Order dictatorial government to save us, but it does mean that all of us have to take local responsibility for what is going on anywhere on the planet. How? – For instance by joining Greenpeace, Avaaz, and similar grassroot organizations to stop the madness by mobilizing massive People Power. If not, odds are we will soon see our future and our descendents go up in holy radioactive smoke.

Of course we shouldn´t worry, since we have been assured that these nuclear power plants are perfectly safe…

It now turned out that the reactor that suffered the worst explosion of the three that exploded at the Fukushima nuclear plant, used plutonium as well as uranium. The explosion blew components of the plant a kilometer or more straight up in the air, including 40 years worth of spent nuclear fuel rods. This means that they will emit deadly radioactive radiation for thousands of years, and there is presently no known way of deactivating their extreme radioactive toxicity, nor of storing them safely. Perfectly safe, yes?

It has also come out that the builders and operators of the plants in Japan, like some in the USA and several other countries, have lied and falsified security reports. They have also covered up serious incidents, and cheated with security measures to cut corners and get more instant cash into their own pockets.

As I can´t repeat often enough: The Aquarian Paradigm allows no secrets. It will all come out into the open sooner or later, even if it takes a series of nuclear meltdowns to do it. And the sooner our present insanely greedy and corrupt rulers realize this and stop lining their pockets with the profits of deaths, mutilations, and illness, thinking they won´t be found out, the sooner we can all begin to implement and enjoy the benefits of the emerging Aquarian Paradigm.

The bottom line to all this is that WE THE PEOPLE must turn off the corporate-owned commercial TV that lulls us into a stupefying trance. Instead we must BECOME AWARE, join forces and call their bluff in no uncertain terms. We need to take peaceful but decisive ACTION against the military-industrial money machine that spells out destruction and illness, and is bringing our whole beautiful planet to the brink of death.

Isn´t that a worthy Life Purpose and reason for having incarnated at this time?

If you need help to find out more about what we can do to advance this crucial and urgent agenda, go to the CONTACT page of this website, and ask for my ACTION PLAN FOR SHIFTING PARADIGM in the message box. It´s completely FREE, and your data are safer than a nuclear reactor!

I´ll be back again next week. Meanwhile, get even more aware, and stay tuned!

 Dr. Jens

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