Hello all my Fellow Time Travellers,

These are indeed transitional times of turmoil pointing towards the need for a profound social, political and financial transformation.

In March this year I wrote in my blog:

“On 14th June 2010 I published my second blogpost. I gave it the title PLUTONICS. – – In it I predicted popular unrest with widespread transformation of political structures. Just the sort of thing that has shaken the Arab world since December, and that will spread way beyond the Arab world.”

Since then, the unrest and popular demands for change have swept the globe. Besides Tunisia and Egypt, the list so far includes Spain, Libya (though that is really a different story), Siria, Bahrein, Yemen, India, Greece, France, Italy, Britain, Chile, and now, finally, the US!

What we are seeing is a build-up towards a showdown in the battle between two super-paradigms, a battle that was initiated some 250 years ago with the US Declaration of Independence and the creation of the United States of America. That´s when the Aquarian Paradigm first began to manifest its ideals and principles in a social and political revolution that is not yet complete. Around the same time a parallell technological and industrial revolution began to reshape our society, which has been accelerating ever since and still has a lot of ground to cover.

My landmark book about the profound global transformation we are living through right now, PARADIGM PULSE – SENSING THE SURGE OF CHANGE, describes what is happening and explains why it´s happening and what we can expect next. If you still haven´t read it, I suggest you order it now as an e-book, right here on this website. It will clear the mists and make you see much clearer and much further. Just click on the Books & Teleseminars button in the navigation bar at the top of this page, and then fill in the order form.

These last few days have seen massive protests against the international bankers – banksters, as they are called by their critics – seen as the culprits for the financial crises that have hit the world since 2007. These protests have first zoomed in on Wall Street in New York, which is seen as the seat and symbol of the “Global Casino” with its irresponsible hundreds of trillions in “derivative” gambling debts, that brought on the crisis, and were bailed out to the tune of trillions of dollars by the US government and its central bank, the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

Thanks to Internet, people in general are fast becoming aware of facts they blissfully ignored until only a few years ago. What annoys them most in the US and Europe these days, is the rescue operations with public funds for the big private banks owned or controlled by a few super-wealthy families. This amounts to covering the gambling debts of the international bank community with money raised from ordinary taxpaying citizens.

When, on top of that, they are asked to give up accustomed social benefits due to public cost cutting, it´s understandable that they react against those perceived as the perpetrators of this crisis, namely the “banksters”, who meanwhile arrogantly wallow in larger “performance bonuses” than ever before.

Add to this already hot brew the fact that a considerable percentage of the people have lost their jobs and their homes to this crisis with no improvement in sight, and you have the recipe for a revolution.

In the meantime Congress and President in the US continue spending non-existing money on wars around the globe and bickering about which social benefits to cut next, and for whom to raise taxes first. Since the spending, even without the bailing out of the banks, far exceeds existing resources, the Federal Reserve keeps printing “fiat” money worth only the paper it´s printed on to animate the ailing economy. This is diluting the existing capital and savings that people have been working hard for all their lives. The inevitable result is inflation with steep price increases, which is a form of swindle or undeclared robbery, transferring money from those who have earned it to others, who have not earned it. This robbery hits every pensionist and holder of savings who lives on a fixed income. But it also hits all the foreign bondholders, who trustingly invested their hard-earned money in US government bonds, supposedly the most secure in the world. Well, no longer so.

This is the background to Russia´s Prime Minister Putin saying that the US is a parasite, living and funding its wars off of the work and assets of other countries.

As if this weren´t enough, the globally so revered US constitution has been trashed by the last two governments, removing most if not all of constitutional rights and freedoms, and fast moving the US towards a de-facto police state. It began with Bush Jr. using the 9/11 false flag operation and the phony “war on terror” as pretext, and Obama has, with unswerving acclaim and charisma, continued and vastly expanded this Bushy practise, hypocritically breaking all the lofty promises he was elected on.

Famed radio and TV-host Alex Jones – www.prisonplanet.tv and www.infowars.com – has now announced the Second American Revolution in the spirit of the first one that took place in the 1770s and resulted in the creation of the United States of America. And he is not joking. But what if this one turns out to be the First Global Revolution, rather than the Second American one?

As mentioned, I predicted what is now happening in a blogpost in June 2010, based on a powerful planetary configuration, “starring” the distant and therefore slow planets Pluto, Uranus and Saturn.

Alex Jones – who is an Aquarian, what else? – does not only report on news to do with politics, security and health issues, constitutional and human rights etc. that are intentionally omitted, “cooked” or played down by corporate-owned mainstream media. He also leads protests and rallies to defend constitutional rights and freedoms.

It may have been partly or principally thanks to Alex Jones, that there is now a movement in the US called END THE FED, demanding that Congress take back the right to issue money that was given to the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank through a “coup” in 1913. This masterstroke on the part of the bankers has never before been effectively challenged, mainly because people always assumed that the Federal Reserve was a public institution run by the US federal government. Not so.

In essence this arrangement means that the private banks lend money to the US government for its expenses. The government does not itself issue money but asks the Federal Reserve to do so, and has to pay interest on it. It also means that monetary policies are in the hands of the private banking conglomerate, and that the US government has no legal authority to oversee and check or audit the Federal Reserve.

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The movement Occupy Wall Street started in New York´s Liberty Square with the idea of occuping Wall Street in protest against the financial mafia that is being blamed for the global crisis. It began meeting in early August and is now gaining momentum all over the United States. The protests, that came to a coordinated climax last Friday, October 7th, in many US cities, are now also focusing specifically on the Federal Reserve Bank and its branches all over the country.

One of the protesters carried a handbill with the text “I LOST MY JOB AND FOUND AN OCCUPATION!”

Here is what I found on their website (http://occupywallst.org/):
#ows is growing. We will be in a thousand cities in this country by the end of the month – hundreds of cities in other countries. We will see General Assemblies on six continents.
Liberty Square has grown exponentially over the last three weeks. It is time to form a second General Assembly in Manhattan. We expect more to follow.” –
We are growing. Block by block – city by city. We will see change in this country, in this world. It will happen sooner than you can imagine.”
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WORLD REVOLUTION DAY OCTOBER 15th is another movement originating in the Spanish protests that began on May 15th this year with the name Democracia Real Ya (Real Democracy Now). It callls on citizens around the world to take to the streets on October 15th to express outrage at how their rights are being undermined by the alliance between politicians and big corporations. They say, “Our future is at stake, and nothing can hold back the power of millions of people when they unite for a common goal.” — “By promoting wars for profit and impoverishing whole populations, our ruling classes are depriving us of our right to a free and just society.That’s why we invite you to join this peaceful fight and spread the message that together we have the ability to change this intolerable situation. Let’s take to the streets on October 15th. It’s time for them to listen to us. United we will make our voices heard!”
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Avaaz.org is a singularly effective and successful 9-million-person global campaign network that has now also jumped on the revolutionary bandwagon. “Avaaz” is said to mean “voice” or “song” in several languages. Avaaz members live in every nation of the world and its hard working team is spread across 13 countries on 4 continents and operates in 14 languages.

Here is the appeal of Avaaz:

The worldwide wave of protest is the latest chapter in this year’s story of global people power. In Egypt, people took over Tahrir Square and toppled their dictator. In India, one man’s fast brought millions onto the streets and the government to its knees — winning real action to end corruption. For months, Greek citizens relentlessly protested unfair cuts to public spending. In Spain, thousands of “indignados” mounted a protest camp in the emblematic central “square” Puerta del Sol, which means Gate of the Sun, to speak out against political corruption and the government’s handling of the economic crisis. And this summer across Israel, people have built “tent cities” to protest against the rising costs of housing and for social justice.

In every uprising, from Cairo to New York, the call for an accountable government that serves the people is clear, and our global community has backed that people power across the world wherever it has broken out. The time of politicians in the pocket of the corrupt few is ending, and in its place we are building real democracies, of, by, and for people.

… to succeed this must be a movement of all citizens, from every walk of life. Click to join the call for real democracy — a giant live counter of every one of us who signs the petition will be erected in the centre of the occupation in New York, and live webcasted on the petition page:


With hope,
Emma, Maria Paz, Alice, Ricken, Morgan, Brianna, Shibayan and the rest of the Avaaz team”

Don´t be afraid of massive popular uprisings. They may prove to be the only way we can save ourselves from being killed at the hands of the military, or ending up slaves or victims of nuclear catastrophes.

As anyone can see, WE THE PEOPLE are on the move. That is a thoroughly Aquarian feat and an expression of the rising Aquarian tide this decade, as the Paradigm Shift is gaining momentum for its final breakthrough. It´s also in perfect accordance with my prediction from several years ago. If you wish to know what I am talking about and understand how I arrived at that prediction, read my book PARADIGM PULSE. You can order it as an e-book right on this website. Click the button Books & Teleseminars in the navigation bar at the top of the page. After reading the book, you will see the world in a whole new light.

What I can´t predict is what my next blog will have in store for you! Sorry, but you´ll just have to wait and see. Just make sure you don´t miss it!

Paradigmatically Yours

Dr. Jens

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