The Mayan Calendar talks about “the end time”, and populistic fear-mongers don´t hesitate to declare “the end of the world” on December 21st, 2012. Numerous ancient prophecies seem to have predicted an increase in natural disasters and extreme weather conditions, as we approach the great Turn of the Tide, that marks the end of the old and heralds a Golden Millennium of Peace and Prosperity. – Didn´t you know that this is where we are heading, even if we have to cross a lot of residual turbulence, madness and suffering on the way?

It seems all these prophets and soothsayers have forgotten one crucial thing: It´s within our power, we the People of the World, the Caretakers of the Planet, to design the future we want for our planet and for our descendents. We are not just hapless onlookers of global events. And the proof is that what is now happening in Japan, in the Arab world, and everywhere else, is clearly the direct result of human intelligence and will, of human planning, decisions and action, of human precautions or carelessness. Or of human greed and shortsighted selfishness.

The problem is that we have allowed the wrong people with the wrong motives to make all the decisions for us. Once we all become sufficiently AWARE, we can collectively put a stop to this state of affairs.

But surely we are helpless against earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions, aren´t we? – Actually, humans may be responsible for the present state of affairs to an extent we could never even have imagined.

What do I mean?

The Croatian genius Nicola Tesla invented many things more than a hundred years ago, that could have drastically improved life for all people on earth, if they had been developed according to the intentions of the inventor. Unfortunately for Humanity, Tesla´s inventions threatened the established money machine of the ruling oil cartel and related industries and businesses, and so his inventions were stopped from being developed. Among Tesla´s inventions was a device to produce so called free energy. This means a machine that can produce energy from the magnetic field of the earth, without fuel of any kind, and consequently without running costs and without pollution. It is proven technology, and it works, but we have always been told that it is impossible.

Today, most of us do know about solar energy, wind energy, earth energy, and tidal energy, besides hydro-energy from waterfalls. Solar and wind are as old as the earth itself, and both have been used by primitive people to a modest degree; the wind for instance to power ships, waterpumps and windmills, and the sun to heat water and to evaporate the seawater from salt dams to produce salt. Yet, these ubiquitous free and clean energy sources were ignored in favor of wood, coal and oil, that cost much more to extract, and that end up causing severe pollution. One reason for this is that some of the natural energies are not very reliable: the sun doesn´t always shine, and the wind doesn´t always blow. But that inconvenience has long since been overcome by advanced energy storage technology, enabling batteries to store large amounts of energy for extended periods of time. And we now have very efficient technologies to harness the natural power of all the four elements, fire (the sun), earth, air and water. In addition, we can develop cold fusion and the so called zero point field (or vacuum) energy, which may be identical to Tesla´s free energy. There is definitely no need for nuclear energy with its terminal (!) dangers.

Another “problem” from the point of view of the large and powerful (pun intended!) utility companies, is the difficulty of large scale operations with natural, renewable energies, based on the model of centralized power generation and grids to cover large populated areas. Well, I have a surprise for them: The future will scorn these centralized power generators and prefer decentralized, even individualized and personal power generators on everybody´s roof, in their cellars, in their kitchens, or in their backyards. There is still plenty of money to be made from energy, in fact much more than before. It´s just that the work and the profits will be distributed among many small companies that manufacture and service the energy units, rather than being concentrated in the hands of just a few large corporations. The really bad news for the bad big boys, is that there will be no demand for oil or coal, so their energy monopoly will finally have come to an end. But EVERYBODY ELSE will be MUCH better off, as will the planet as such.

As I have kept pointing out, we don´t need oil for transport either. On the one hand there are excellent electric cars that can be charged from the individual domestic power generators I just mentioned. And on the other hand there are cars that run superbly on ordinary water with no pollution, but they have been suppressed and covered up by the mighty interests of Big Oil for many decades with the help of corrupt governments. And several of the inventors of competing anti-oil technologies have died under strange circumstances that suggest they could have been assassinated.

Another of Tesla´s inventions was a way to cordlessly transmit high voltage electric energy over distances, i.e. without any cables at all. Imagine the savings that signifies. Do you think the cable manufacturers liked the idea? – So after Tesla had demonstrated it to the world, it never happened again.

Another remarkable invention of Tesla´s is what can be called a “death ray”. It means producing a concentrated burst of electric energy, not unlike a laser, but at a low frequency, that makes the earth vibrate so strongly that it can trigger an earthquake.

The entire Universe is built on the principle of interacting energy frequencies, resulting in harmonic resonance and disharmonic interference. Matter is secondary. I explain all this in my book CRACKING THE RAINBOW CODE. If you go back to my blog on June 14, I also explain how the small distant planet Pluto can trigger earthquakes, when it interacts in certain ways with the Sun and the Moon and with other, larger planets. To find that short blogpost, just scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on the title, PLUTONICS.

During the Aquarian 1960s the extraordinary scientists Bernard J. Eastlund and William C. Gough developed some amazing nuclear technologies, and then during the next strongly Aquarian decade, the 1990s, Eastlund completed the Tesla-based HAARP technology. His intentions were the best, originallly to help the US in the cold war against the Soviet Union, and to improve the human condition in general, for instance through positive weather control. The US Military took a strong interest in his inventions and assumed control of his technology, but their intentions soon turned out to be very different from Eastlund´s own. So, eventually Eastlund became a whistle-blower who denounced the sinister direction the US research around HAARP was taking. He died suddenly in a hospital in December of 2007, just after the doctors had told his family that he was going to be fine. He was only 69.

In 2000, Dr. Eastlund made two very important research papers public regarding HAARP and its weather modification capacity, with the comments, “… it is clear that international cooperation and disclosure must be obtained for future high power antenna applications no matter how benificial they seem. -Fortunately, this TSPS (Thunderstorm Solar Power Satellite) concept is not part of the military or the government and there is an opportunity to discuss it, and discard it if that is the best thing to do.” He further stated, “The public must be involved in the development of the concept from the start…the public itself must want to accept the risks involved.”

Those in charge of the HAARP project were of a different opinion, however, and a heavy veil of secrecy has shrouded the project at all times. They claim that all they are doing is research related to weather and climate change, and the truly blood-curdling military applications, that I know are on their agenda, are covered up and denied.

The eerie thing is that those in charge of the HAARP technology are now really able to cause earthquakes almost at will, and almost anywhere they so please. So the open question some knowledgeable people are asking is if the earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, China and Japan last year, and for instance the tsunami that hit Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and other countries around the Indian Ocean on 26th December 2004, were all artificially created by the HAARP people as part of some atrocious hidden agenda. There are certain indications that this may be the case, even if there is no conclusive proof. The same indication has not, however, been reported regarding the March 2011 tsunami in Japan, as far as I know.

I have recently dedicated myself to connecting dots, and by Jove are there a lot of dots to connect! And they all concur to produce what appears to be a picture. A picture most people would rather not see.

Here are some dots that most people would never connect:

Wars, unrest, uprisings and revolutions;

Newly invented plagues and pandemics, claimed to be lethal and against which various drugs and vaccines are aggressively pushed;

Frequent major earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic eruptions;

“False flag” type terrorist acts, to kill people while blaming others, which provides a motive for attacks on the innocent blamed with further killings;

Chemtrails spewing out unwholesome chemicals from unmarked anonymous aircraft with no explanation from authorities;

Increasing poverty, both in the developing countries and among the working classes of the developed countries, combined with manipulated food shortages and rising prices, leading to more malnutrition and starvation;

Policy to create a world monopoly on food in the hands of a few US corporations, who plan to decide who will eat and survive, and who will die of starvation;

Continued chemical poisoning of the soil and the planet, with full knowledge of the harm it is doing;

Increasing surveillance and government control of populations and individual citizens;

Initiatives to control the Internet.

I hope I have given you something to think about till next week. And I hope you will contribute some more dots to complete the picture I see emerging from all these dots. In a following blogpost I will analyse the dots and try to describe the picture I see emerging. In the meantime be sure never to give up or lose hope, and always to make the best you can of every situation, however hopeless it may look.

Also never forget that you are an immortal spiritual being who is just having a physical experience in space and time.

Till next week, stay cool and keep warm!

Dr. Jens

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