Dear P-watcher,
In last week´s blogpost I said that I could have missed some of the protests occurring worldwide this year, and since then I have become aware that widespread protests also occurred in Germany, Israel and China.
Characteristic of these global protests is the way in which thinking individuals all over the planet have come together with the help of social internet sites and mobile phones to protest against a corrupt financial and political system hellbent on waging war all over the planet. Or to claim specific rights or services, such as free education or more practical democracy, or a fairer distribution of resources.
All this is a typical expression of the Aquarian Paradigm at work.
There is a clear parallell with 1968, during another advancing wave of the Aquarian Tide, when students all over the western world staged violent manifestations, centered around protests against the Vietnam war, but not limited to that issue.
As those of you know who have followed me for some time, in an essay written nearly 7 years ago and published by the World Future Society in 2005 I wrote, “If past performance is anything to go by, we should see the rise of a new and strong wave of the Aquarian tide from around 2010 to announce another decade of dramatic and exponentially accelerating progress of the emerging (Aquarian) super-paradigm.” Well, since the end of 2010 it´s unmistakably all over us.
Incidentally, the two planets Uranus and Pluto were forming a strong revolutionary aspect in 1962 which remained in force for the remainder of the decade. And again, since 2010 a similar aspect by the same planets is in force right now.
It´s very much part of the picture what these two planets represent, astrologically. Pluto, although the smallest and most distant of all our known planets, is the most powerful when it comes to deep and radical transformations. Such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, wars and mass movements.This may seem illogical from the point of view of materialistic thinking, when size and weight and closeness is everything. How can this little planet from so far away possibly have any effect on the Earth? The answer is that we are not talking about direct physical effect or gravity, but of electromagnetic vibrations, frequencies, waves, that affect matter not superficially or by external pressure, but electronically and structurally on the level of electrons, atoms and molecules.
Think in terms of strings that produce tones in a musical instrument. The longer the string, the lower the note it plays, right? And the shorter the string the higher pitched the note. And the lower notes resonate with larger structures, while the higher notes resonate with smaller structures. Have you ever sung in a bathroom? If you are a male bass or baritone, you may have found that you can make the walls of the room resonate and “sing” along with your voice at a precise low note. But to shatter a crystal glass, you need a very high note worthy of a world class soprano.
So it´s the distance of Pluto, not its size, that makes it trigger earthquakes, for instance. Because the planets act like electrons in an atom, producing electromagnetic waves as they move around the Sun. And the further away they are from the Sun, the lower frequencies they produce, and the lower frequencies they produce, the larger structures they affect through resonance. If you still think that distance is a problem, think of light, a form of electromagnetic vibration, some of which reaches us across millions of light years as it traverses the Universe. And it still has the power to physically affect cells in our retina to directly trigger a reaction in the brain.
The other planet involved in the revolutionary upheavals we are now experiencing, namely Uranus, happens to be the planet traditionally considered to represent the same energies and information as the sign of Aquarius, in other words the now emerging new paradigm. Uranus is known to trigger sudden changes and reversals – as in revolutions – and is the planet of electricity and electronics, in other words electromagnetic vibrations, which also means connection between separate entities across distances.
Do you see how much sense all this is making, even though I am barely scratching the surface ever so lightly?
Now let´s go back and have a look at the skies of 1776, when the American revolution took place. And what do we find? A similar aspect forming between Pluto and Uranus as in the 1960s, and as right now.
Not surprisingly, several voices in the US have been calling for a second Aquarian revolution. The first was the one that created the United States of America. And they argue that since 2001 the US government has stopped respecting the rights and freedoms and rule of law guaranteed by the Constitution of 1776 and its later amendments, and is making of the US a police state or military dictatorship. Obama was elected on promises to change course and stop the wars, but since he took office he has broken practically all his promises and hypocritically escalated the criminal Bush policy even further. Some keen observers of what is really going on now feel that the US population is in a sense back to square one, and needs to stage a new revolution in order to restore and safeguard its lost constitutional rights and liberties that have served as a beacon for the whole world to follow ever since 1776.
If anyone remarks that Obama has now – again – promised to withdraw all American troops from Iraq, all I can say is: look at his record for keeping promises. And remember that he is campaigning again to be re-elected.
Another appropriate astrological comparison with the present situation is the French Revolution in 1789, when another aspect of the same character between the very same planets was forming and lasted till 1797.
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The global grassroots organization AVAAZ – a loud and clear Aquarian Voice – is now the largest online activist group ever, with its more than 10 million members.
Avaaz, actually meaning “voice”, was launched in 2007 with a simple democratic mission: organize citizens of all nations to close the gap between the world we have, and the world most people everywhere want.
Avaaz empowers millions of people from all walks of life to take action on pressing global, regional and national issues, from corruption and poverty to conflict and climate change. Its model of internet organising allows thousands of individual efforts, however small, to be rapidly combined into a powerful collective force.
Here is what Avaaz just wrote:
“Something big is happening. From Tahrir Square to Wall Street, from staggeringly brave Avaaz citizen journalists in Syria to millions of citizens winning campaign after campaign online, democracy is stirring. Not the media-circus, corrupt, vote-every-4-years democracy of the past. Something much, much deeper. Deep within ourselves, we are realizing our own power to build the world we all dream of.
“We don’t have a lot of time to do it. Our planet is threatened by multiple crises – a climate crisis, food crisis, financial crisis, proliferation crisis… These crises could split us apart like never before, or bring us together like never before. It’s the challenge of our time, and the outcome will determine whether our children face a darker world or one thriving in greater human harmony.
“It’s amazing, but just 10,000 of us make our entire community possible with a small weekly donation of $3 or $5, the price of a cup of coffee, that funds all of Avaaz’s core expenses. But to rise to this moment and win it, we need to accelerate — by doubling our number of weekly ‘sustainers’ to 20,000, and doubling our capacity to do everything we do. Click below to make it happen .
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So what are we fighting against or – put more positively – what are we fighting for? The next step, if something is to be achieved, must be to formulate demands and make sure they are met.
As I was writing this blogpost, I came across a quote that may express in a nutshell what the Aquarian masses are protesting against. I am thinking of a Machiavellian slogan ascribed to Henry Kissinger, in which he succinctly reveals the goal of the US Empire thus: “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” – How is that for a New World Order? It´s just that this is in fact the old world order on steroids. Not what educated and aware young Aquarian revolutionaries are likely to subscribe to.
As usual, I invite you to comment on my blog, and click the LIKE and +1 buttons to help us gain more visibility.
You´ll be hearing from me again next week.
Dr. Jens