Old-fashioned wars used to be against other countries, usually triggered by a border conflict or a dispute over the ownership of some rich asset, sometimes even over a perceived insult. Occasionally, they would break out between different parts or factions of the same country, then called civil wars.
Today, most wars seem to be against “terrorists”. Spokespeople for the US government make a big drama of “terrorists” killing nearly 3,000 people on 9/11, hypocritically swearing revenge, and launching wars against a series of countries that have had nothing to do with 9/11. But what about the well over 3,000 innocent civilians killed by unmanned US drones in Pakistan, a supposedly sovereign country, which is not only at peace with the US, but an ally. Nobody in the US government seems to be upset about that. So that´s perfectly OK and kosher, is it?
And then we haven´t even mentioned the millions of innocent civilians killed in the unprovoked wars against the neutral and friendly sovereign countries of Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, among others, with several other countries lined up for the same treatment of destruction, beginning with Syria. Incidentally, did you notice that they all seem to be Muslim? Are we talking hypocrisy, or war crimes and mass murder? – Does this kind of behavior even have a name?
And oh, I forgot to mention that there is no way 9/11 was pulled off by a bunch of cave-dwelling Arabs who could barely fly a Cessna. Anyone who bothers to study the events, however superficiously, will find several dozens if not hundreds of gross – and I mean really GROSS – flaws and anomalies in the official version of that event, which prove beyond any doubt whatsoever that the US government has been lying through their teeth and trying to cover up a crime so vile that it defies the imagination. Now, why would they go to such lengths to cover it up, if they were not involved in it themselves?
Former US President and war veteran, General Dwight D. Eisenhower, said,
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.”
Yet he could hardly imagine what insane amounts of resources, both material, monetary and human, would be wasted by the US and other war-loving countries only 50 years later, and during a time of “peace” at that! Resources that should have been allocated to solving the most pressing problems of Humanity and our planet, not to destroy entire nations, killing millions of innocent civilians, men, women and children, while filling the already bursting coffers of corrupt politicians invested in the armament industry. And irremediably polluting our planet with nuclear radiation and waste
In his farewell speech as President, Eisenhower warned the American people not to let “the military-industrial complex” become too powerful. Just a few years later, John F. Kennedy got to taste its real power, as he was assassinated for refusing to collaborate with its schemes. So much for the power of US presidents. The real power resides elsewhere, out of sight.
The 18th century French philosopher Voltaire wrote,
“It is forbidden to kill; therefore murderers are punished – but not when they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.”
Let´s go straight to the heart of the problem! – The world is doped and dazed by the “Powers-that-be” to believe
1) that wars emerge spontaneously from ethnic, religious or other conflicts between groups of people or nations. Instead, the truth is that the vast majority of wars are intentionally provoked by governments to feed their boundless greed for more profit and more power.
2) that the solution to an already exploded war is helping one´s preferred party defeat the other party by sending arms and soldiers, and thus expanding, and prolonging, the war.
3) that this kind of war expansion is to bring “humanitarian help” or to “fight for justice or for human rights” of a group supposedly oppressed under one of the parties;
4) that controlling by force the economies and military deployment of all countries of the world is the way to keep peace and security for all peoples. Orwell comes to mind: War is Peace. Slavery is Freedom.
5) that there is an ever present permanent and great danger of organized terrorist attacks that have to be prevented through invasive control measures and deprivation of freedom.
Benjamin Franklin, pioneer of the Aquarian Paradigm and one of the Founding Fathers of the US, famously said, “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Another quote that elegantly sums up the truth is from the brilliant actor and director Peter Ustinov, who said, “Terrorism is the war of the poor, while war is the terrorism of the rich.”
However, he may not have lived long enough to find out that most of the so called terrorism we have been seeing lately, has been created by US and/or Israeli agencies themselves in order to provide an excuse for an endless and all-pervading war. Why? – As a means to promote their standard triple agenda: To increase their political power globally, to selectively reduce the world population, and to make “a killing” in the sense of billions in profits to further strengthen their financial muscles.
So, how do we put a stop to all this?
It´s not easy, as long as we cave in to fear of those in power. But fear will not help us, nor will it protect us, quite the contrary.
So forget fear, and instead cultivate faith. If you are God-fearing (oops! there goes our fear again) then you may cultivate faith (instead of fear) in God. And if you don´t believe in a personal God, then try to grow faith in a higher intelligence, or your own higher all-knowing self, or your spiritual guide or guardian angel.
Or just cultivate courage. Usually, the best way to overcome fear is to look it straight in the eyes, feel it, and “do it anyway”.
Don´t misunderstand me; I am not talking about volunteering to die by knowingly exposing yourself to a certain death. That would hardly serve any purpose, at least not in terms of worldly results. Maybe martyrdom could strengthen the resolve of others, but I wouldn´t recommend it as a conscious choice.
What I am referring to is a situation where the possibility of harm, danger, or even death, is but a statistical possibility that faith can overcome, and where there is a positive outcome worth fighting for.
I am now going to let this brew for a couple of weeks and take a short summer/winter break before I publish my next blogpost.
In the meantime I suggest you all put your heads together and come up with ways to finally put a stop to the utter madness that is still so prevalent among those who govern our world. Ways to finally break the old paradigm dominance and usher in the Aquarian Paradigm for the long announced Golden Millennium.
I am eagerly looking forward to your suggestions. But remember they must be realistic and effective without being violent. Meditation is wonderful but, on its own, it takes too long – and too many meditators – to mellow or break down obsessed hardened power structures. Maybe we need a multiform approach? Let me have your thoughts and proposals, either in the column here to the right, or by email, or via the Contact page of this website.
God Bless, take care and stay aware
till next time,
Dr Jens
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