What is the present Paradigm Shift doing to Capitalism and Communism, to Right and Left, to Conservatives, Liberals and Socialists, to Republicans and Democrats? – And what has it got to do with globalization? – Or with the New World Order, for that matter? – What can we expect to come out of the present financial, political and social turmoil?

We are witnessing what is probably the most radical change of our society ever, certainly in known human history. I here use the word radical in its original sense of going to the roots, not implying any position on the modern political scale of right and left.

Because it has been a slow process, most of us have not realized what has been going on, or at least have not understood the large picture and the long term implications.

In this and my next blogposts I will try to give a very brief analysis of this process, connecting a number of dots, and hope that it will help you see the contours of the emerging large picture. For a fuller understanding I urge you to read my landmark book PARADIGM PULSE – SENSING THE SURGE OF CHANGE, available from Amazon or Barnes and Noble, or as e-book from this website for only 10 dollars.

But before I dive into the fate of our present political and social paradigm and its particularities, I want to paint a broad background.

The task of media is supposedly to diffuse information, and this information should ideally be objective, or at least as objective as humanly possible. But the nature of media is to focus on separate events of acute interest to its audience, and that usually means events of immediate temporary and local interest to the consumers (readers or viewers) and advertisers of each particular media outlet. Therefore, the large picture is something that almost by definition evades the attention of media.

Also, media are owned and run by people, and people are prone to vested economic interests or emotional preferences. That´s why it´s rare these days, when Mammon rules supreme in both politics and economics and in most people´s minds, to find truly objective media who tell the truth. Instead they use their space and time for issues that will instantly convert into profits, for themselves, their shareholders, and their advertisers.

It is the complicated task of historians to try and trace the long term trends and make some sense of them in retrospect. Mostly, this only means combining enough dots to show a comprehensive picture of common trends across nations and over time. But what caused those trends to form, and what further conclusions or predictions can be made from identifying and analysing them, is another story altogether. Few have attempted it, and those who have, are most likely ignored or ridiculed, especially by our presently ruling materialistic science which in recent times has been raised to the status of a religion, whose pronouncements cannot be questioned.

To try and use such trends to forecast the future is a daunting task, that very few have attempted, and even fewer have been successful at. There are a few examples of science fiction authors or thinkers who got a lot of things right like a century or more before they happened, but most did not, and it´s always impossible to know at a particular point in time which of many predictions will later come true, and which will not. Only time will tell, as the saying goes.

In our time, beginning during an Aquarian wave about 50 years ago (see my book Paradigm Pulse for details), a new – and clearly Aquarian – discipline of research and study appeared on the scene, namely futurology. This, logically, created a new profession called futurists. And this new discipline, much like medicine, economy and astrology, is by necessity holistic, and a combination of art and science.

So what do futurists do? To many people, the idea of a futurist immediately suggests a fortune-teller or psychic medium, or an astrologer. However, in an attempt to comply with the apparently strict – but often hypocritical and arbitrary – demands of ruling modern science, futurists have developed research techniques similar to those of sociologists, economists and business analysts. This means plotting development trends of different kinds by economic and demographic data, and trying to predict what a continution of the prevailing trends would mean at different future dates.

Unfortunately, it turns out that prevailing trends only go so far, before an unforeseen game change appears in the shape of a new invention – again an Aquarian phenomenon; think computers, mobile phones, and Internet – or a war, or a political watershed, such as the communist revolution in Russia with its global geo-political consequences lasting nearly a century.

So what do futurists do? They play games. They describe the present situation, as far as they are able within the parameters of what they want to predict, which is often only a particular outcome for a particular corporation or nation.

Then futurists would normally try to merge their experience and historical knowledge with their imagination, to create what they call “scenarios”, which are descriptions of different alternative future events or outcomes. So they try to figure out what would happen, if alternative A, for instance, materializes. And then what would happen, if instead alternative B materializes. And so on. With different time frames.

Undoubtedly, the best futurists – just like the best physicians, economists and astrologers – are those who honor the intuitive right hemisphere of their brains, the artistic side of the brain. Those who comply with western “scientific” dogma and use only the rational left hemisphere of their brains to logically calculate the probable outcome, do far worse. Their forecasts are more often than not wrecked by so called “wild cards” that nobody could foresee on rational and historical grounds, such as a revolutionary new technology. Neither historians, nor futurists, and much less politicians and business people, are able to predict such game changes from their factual knowledge bases.

At that point, we have to resort to astrologers. And we are not talking psychic predictions or superstition, as modern scientists would have you believe. Quite the contrary, properly practised astrology is the oldest strictly empirical science there is, and in a real sense the mother of all sciences. It´s based on meticulous and painstaking astronomical observations over millennia, correlated to events on Earth. It´s as empirical as it gets.

The fact that the observations and conclusions of astrology cannot be explained within the limited panorama or paradigm of modern science, does not invalidate them in any way. It is as if the caterpillar would condemn the viewpoint of the butterfly as superstitious, humbug, or “unscientific”. The problem is one of different paradigms, different perspectives for viewing the world. Where astrology, although ancient – probably more ancient even than all our known history – now represents the incoming Aquarian Paradigm and is continuing to evolve, thanks to advances in astronomy and computer science.

I promised you a brief analysis of the changes in our society that are being triggered by the Paradigm Shift, and also of the expected outcome of the present financial, political and social turmoil.

Since I don´t wish to impose too much on your time, I have decided to try and limit my blogposts to a maximum of around 1,500 words. This means I have to divide the present analysis of our changing society into at least two, probably three posts. Having now provided you with a background and context, I hope my continued analysis will make a lot of sense to you.

So, make sure you don´t miss my next blogpost!

Till then, take care, stay aware, and make fair!

Dr. Jens

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